Eschew Obfuscation
I'm helping with an office prank and need some insight. I need to fill a room 10' x 11' x 7.5' (825 cu. ft.) with Balloons and need to know about how many I need to buy. Let's assume that the balloons will blow up to about 8" x 10" round. If they were square, it would be easy (8x10=80"/12=6.666' then 825/6.666'= 123.75 Balloons). See the porblem is, the balloons are oval and the space is square, so I need some space will be lost and some gained depending on how the balloons rest. Rough estimates are welcome, but showing the math will be even more helpfull as the exact size of the balloons won't be known until after we buy them. A mathimatical formula is best. Thank you. (It's for a surprise birthday/going away party).