Need REG Jowels+Last Turn ASAP


I have Jowles Of Dark Demise on the field face-down.
I have less than 1000LP.
I activate Last Turn during my opps draw/standby phase.
Everthing gets destroyed except my Jowels and he gets a monster from his deck. hopefully it isn't a tie game monster or effect negating.
How does this resolve?
does he attack me jowels/jowels goes to graveyard/i get his monster due to jowles effect and in the end I win the Duel?
Or does it resolve some other way?

NEENeed Ruling ASAP!
the_skdster said:
I have Jowles Of Dark Demise on the field face-down.
I have less than 1000LP.
I activate Last Turn during my opps draw/standby phase.
Everthing gets destroyed except my Jowels and he gets a monster from his deck. hopefully it isn't a tie game monster or effect negating.
How does this resolve?
does he attack me jowels/jowels goes to graveyard/i get his monster due to jowles effect and in the end I win the Duel?
Or does it resolve some other way?

NEENeed Ruling ASAP!
Thats a good question being that Jowls of Dark Demise return the stolen monster at the End Phase as well. Usually two lingering effects you control could be completed in any order but in Last Trns case I can't be certain.
Digital Jedi said:
Thats a good question being that Jowls of Dark Demise return the stolen monster at the End Phase as well. Usually two lingering effects you control could be completed in any order but in Last Trns case I can't be certain.

eayh, just re-read last turn. it does say whoevers monster reamisn at the end phase of that turn is declared the winner.
so now i'm completely confused.
can a bunch of judges have a go at this?
You are in control of the only monster of the field. Therefore, you would be considered the winner if you resolve "Last Turn" before resolving Jowls. That's what matters, not who owns the monster. Just simply who's in control of it.
densetsu_x said:
You are in control of the only monster of the field. Therefore, you would be considered the winner if you resolve "Last Turn" before resolving Jowls. That's what matters, not who owns the monster. Just simply who's in control of it.

Okay. The I do win. If I resolve Last Turn before Jowels.
Someone should add this ruling to Last Turn in the Card Registry.
I figured that was the way it should have resolved, but with Last Turn you can never be too careful. It strikes me as working the same way for all lingering effects you control that would, for lack of a better term, 'activate' at the same time. (A Last Will and a Soul Exchange for example)

But unless someone can contradict that with some authorataive proof then I can't imagine you not being able to choose to 'resolve' Last Turn first.
The situation here is that the non-turn player has 2 End Phase effects that need to resolve. 1 being Jowls, the other being Last Turn. As such that player chooses which effect to resolve first. If he resolves Jowls first, that returns to the opponent who would then win when Last Turn resolves... eh that's a lousy way to do it...

Instead I'll resolve Last Turn first and hey... I'm the one with the monster, I win. Duel over. Nothing else to see here, move along.
That's pretty much how it should play out since he is in control of both End Phase effects.

What player do you know in his right mind is going to chose to hand his opponent a Draw, when he can win????