Negation and Circumstance


Deck Mechanic
Deck Name : Negation and Circumstance
Author : Dustin Murray
Count : 43

Monsters : 22

Tribute :

Airknight Parshath
Chaos Sorcerer
Chaos Sorcerer
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Non-Tribute :

Apprentice Magician
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Warrior Lady
Exiled Force
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Magician of Faith
Magician of Faith
Mirage Dragon
Night Assailant
Pitch-Black Warwolf
Spirit Reaper
Spirit Reaper
Treeborn Frog

Spells : 13

Book of Moon
Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Nobleman of Crossout
Pot of Avarice
Premature Burial
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light

Traps : 8

Call of the Haunted
Jar of Greed
Jar of Greed
Mirror Force
Sakuretsu Armor
Sakuretsu Armor
Sakuretsu Armor
Torrential Tribute


This is my most recent deck. Probably about the 9th this format. I've been having trouble finding an identity this format. ;)

The other decks were pretty random, along with a Deck Devastation Deck that I will be posting later on.

This deck is just I thought Jinzo, but I don't want to.
Tiso said:
Your name has nothing to do with the Deck?

Your comment has nothing to do with my deck. :)

And the name does happen to have something to do with the deck.

Pitch-Black Warwolf and Mirage Dragon negate traps, while Airknight Parshath gets attacks.

And if you've played Airknight Parshath, traps are his enemy.

But please. I don't need help with the NAME. I need help with the DECK. Now I'd like it if you comment on the DECK and not the NAME. ;)
Well the Deck is very, CHAOS in its build? Not entirely sure what you want to do with the Deck? Like what does Jar of Greed accomplish in the grand scheme of the Deck or it just Dust Tornado bait?
rickfx1996 said:
i would drop pot of avarice for enemy controller

And why would you do that, sir? :)

And Tiso, Jar of Greeds are Dust Tornado bait.

I run them instead of Dust Tornados. :)

Here's the thing.

You aren't helping me at all, Tiso. If you have problems with the deck. Fix them. If you have problems with me.

Don't post on my deck. ;)
You are the one asking for help. You said you do not even know what your identity in this format. What exactly is the problem with your Deck if there is any? You just post it, and then expect us to go at it to tell you what is wrong with it, if anything at all.
Tiso said:
You are the one asking for help. You said you do not even know what your identity in this format. What exactly is the problem with your Deck if there is any? You just post it, and then expect us to go at it to tell you what is wrong with it, if anything at all.

Well, here's the thing.

Look at the deck.

If you see contradictions or things that you think should be fixed, post it and explain it.

Now, if you aren't going to do that, I ask you NOT to post on my deck. Because all you've done is annoy me. :)
Get it to 40 (lose whichever 3 from mon, spell, trap) and get rid of Jar of Greed. What is the point of countering just one card that may destroy it when you can just destroy theirs?
I don't quite understand what the problem is guys. From this point of view it looks like this is something that could be cleared up over PM or just ignored altogether. Remember that all criticism is welcome as long as it is constructive. Let's not get into debates on whether the criticism is useful or not. As long as the critiquing is done in a respectful manner, then everyone here has a right to post in these threads. Let's not start any problems, however well intentioned you might be. Thank you.
There was no problem. I gave my input on it, first with the name that has nothing to do with the Deck. That would be like me calling my Deck WATER DRAGON SUPREME and my Deck list not 1 Hydrogeddon, Oxygeddon, or Water Dragon in it. 1 Mirage Dragon and 1 Pitch-Black Warwolf does not equal negation. Where is Jinzo, Royal Decree, Spell Cancellor, or the Counter Trap negators? Then I suggested getting the Deck to 40 and losing Jar of Greed for Dust Tornado or just losing them completely.

Futhermore, he does not even elaborate on what about this Deck is wrong, if there is anything wrong with it. No examples of certain match-ups it had or anything. I really do not know what people are expecting when they post CC Chaos Decks in the first place and expect them to be improved upon. Just look at the winner in a top 8 SJC and take that Deck. I am seriously looking at this Deck and outside of the fact it has 43 cards, nothing else Spell or Trap removal what exactly is he expecting?
Tiso said:
Get it to 40 (lose whichever 3 from mon, spell, trap) and get rid of Jar of Greed. What is the point of countering just one card that may destroy it when you can just destroy theirs?

I'm play testing the Jar of Greeds.

And there is more to them than Dust Tornado bait.

It's a psyche thing. If I don't think it's working, I'll take it out.

Annndd, a 43 card deck is not a problem with Graceful Charity around. Trust me, I hate when decks extend for no reason, but this is necessary.

And Digital Jedi, I understand. I just don't respond well to disrespect. :) Hope BOTH of you can understand that. ;)

Edit: What's with the Autolinking lately? In my deck it autolinks Jar of Greed "Jar of" sends you to Jar of Greed , Greed sends you to Greed.

And theeeennnn My D.D. Warrior Lady is autolinked to D.D. Warrior and Lady isn't autolinked.
I'll ask DaAmazing1 look into it. We're using a different linking sytem then before and still working out the kinks.
Complex_Mind said:
I'm play testing the Jar of Greeds.

And there is more to them than Dust Tornado bait.
They also work against MST, Mobius, and Breaker. Good call. I'd say just drop Exiled Force all together. You have the necessary monster removal without needing to waste a summon for Exiled.
Jathro said:
They also work against MST, Mobius, and Breaker. Good call. I'd say just drop Exiled Force all together. You have the necessary monster removal without needing to waste a summon for Exiled.

I say there's far too much face-down play not to run Exiled Force.

And Nobleman of Crossout at 2 is still not enough.

People are running more flip-effects than they did last format! :)
3 Saku is too much. Dump 1 of them for BTH.

Since your concept is negating, I would say try fitting a Jinzo.

And do you really need both Scapegoat and SoRL?