New Netrep site look

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BenjaminMS said:
Weird. Do you move it with a mousewheel, or just with the mouse itself?
I have no problem at all with it.

I try it with the mouse-wheel then I click on the bar and try to slide it down but the bar dissapears. Happens when looking at a list of cards. :|
Found a goof with the [ycard="SRL-EN077]Cyber Jar[/ycard] rulings on Netrep registry...
Spirit Monsters, Toon Monsters, Ritual Monsters, etc. are sent to your hand as they cannot be Special Summoned or must be Special Summoned is a specific way.
Happen to see it on the HL2 [ycard="SRL-EN077]Cyber Jar[/ycard]. And it seems to be on all the listings for it. (like that required a lot of deduction) Just to let you guys know. other than that I like it. :D
That's not OUR goof. That's UDE's goof.

Remember, we provide the official rulings AS IS, without correction or change. We DO NOT alter the rulings in any way so that we are not accused of changing rulings or providing false information.
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