New Shrink Ruling?

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Evil Fishy
I Firmly belive in rules, but not when they are as idiotic as this (And cost me first place)

Well, to make a long, angry story less long, here i go. I was entered in a local tourney, five dollar enterence fee and since over 20 people entered, first prize was a tactial evolution box. So, here i am, minding my buisness, and got all the way to the finals. I was playing my Aggro water. Pretty simple deck, Whats makes it interesting is that it runs no traps, but 2 maindecked royal decrees. plus 3 shrink and 3 rush's . so first match went to me, he first turn ser MoF, no back row. Then i special summoned cyber, normal summoned hydrogeddon, attacked, summoned a second, and cyber and hydro attacked life (not bad first turn eh?). He actually scooped, because he said his hand was horrible. i really wasnt complaining. Second match, it came really close...he has 1600 left to my 2000. i had a cyber on the feild, one back row. He played preme (so hes at 800, and tried to double ko with my cyber. Of course, i flipped Shrink for game, he said he's recalling the attack. i was under the impression you can only recall an attack if the amount of monsters on the feild changes, whick didnt happen. I called over my freind, who is a lvl 2 judge. He told me that unless shrink is played during the damage step, the attack can be recalled. Is this true??

(for those who want to know what happened next, he set one back row, and ended his turn. I special summoned Aqua spirit, and attacked with cyber, ran into a Magical Cyndlers and lost that one. Match 3 i just really didnt have the fight left in me...)
The judge was wrong in that case. You can only call back the attack if the number of opposing monsters change. In the example you've provided, even if Shrink wasn't activated in the Damage Step, the attack will continue regardless.

Also I suggest that the former level two judge revise his rulings...
Well what was said in this thread wasn't true but neither was the ruling given in the tournament. A replay occurs when a new potential attack target appears or disappears after the declaration of attack. It doesn't necessarily have to be a monster, you, the player, can be an attack target as well (direct attack)

In the scenario given though, from what I read a potential attack target neither appeared or disappeared after the declaration of attack....the attack should have progressed as normal.
Recalled attack? That's a good one. So that would mean each time you activate Sakuretsu Armor I can change my mind and attack with a different monster. LOL
Exactly, unless the field changes (More or less targets) the attack cannot be replayed. You were robbed and the judge didn't know the proper ruling.
I've seen stuff like this before like when people were trying to snatch steal face downs, for some reason peaople just seem to forget the rules
My question is, how did your friend, who is a LV2, not know the rules of what causes a Replay?? Really, some things are somewhat easy to see where the confusion may come from, like

The Six Samurai - Zanji vs Ancient Gear Engineer
Levia Dragon vs Demise
Damage Polarizer vs Michizure

The list goes on.... But, never has there been anything anywhere that allows you to stop a Battle just because ATK or DEF increased, other than the, "Oh no, I'm about to lose out on a Box of Product" Rule.

Zarem said:
I've seen stuff like this before like when people were trying to snatch steal face downs, for some reason peaople just seem to forget the rules
They don't always forget. Those are people who either try to invent new ones, or claim that because something (as obvious...) doesn't say you "can't", then you must be able to.
masterwoo0 said:
My question is, how did your friend, who is a LV2, not know the rules of what causes a Replay?? Really, some things are somewhat easy to see where the confusion may come from, like

The Six Samurai - Zanji vs Ancient Gear Engineer
Levia Dragon vs Demise
Damage Polarizer vs Michizure

The list goes on.... But, never has there been anything anywhere that allows you to stop a Battle just because ATK or DEF increased, other than the, "Oh no, I'm about to lose out on a Box of Product" Rule.

They don't always forget. Those are people who either try to invent new ones, or claim that because something (as obvious...) doesn't say you "can't", then you must be able to.

There are also the ones who try to Sound confident and knowledgable to make you doubt your stance.
You got screwed out of a box. Your L2 friend owes you some money.....tell him to buy you one of the new tins and you'll forget about it.
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