New Structure Deck

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looking at it, it could possabley be the best structure deck launched it looks like it has a strong structure and we get d.d warrior as a common. i plan to buy at least 3 just for the shadow monarch i think it might be nice replacemnet for the 2 zaborgs and 1 raiza in my ifl deck.
It's actually a very, very good structure by design. You really could play it right out of the box and have fun.

That said, however, the fact that the common Monarchs and especially Solemn Judgment were removed, ALL of which people desired greatly, especially Solemn Judgment, IS a huge disappointment. Not quite as much as how disappointing the Gold Series is (which coincidentally doesn't have any of the Monarchs nor does it have Solemn Judgment, either) though.

I know that any time I've ever went to Regionals, Solemn Judgment is one of the most sought after cards I hear people asking for, all of the time. SJC Columbus was no different either.
I think I'll buy one for the mat. At least I'll get more decent stuff in the deck than I seem to be pulling from PTDN =/.
I was soooooo happy the solomn judgments were not in this deck. IMO it should be banned like all the other power house cards from the first two or three series(with the exception of the newly revived 'monster reborn'.
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