New w/ different view...


New Member
Gadgets Gone Wild

Heya, I'm new here. Just had this place recommended by someone I find to be an upstanding YuGiOh player, and decided to check it out. Anyhow, I built this Gadget deck on another forum w/ less than favorable responce - so, now its here:


+1 Sky Hero - Neo Parshath (AS SOON AS I CAN GET ONE)

2 Airknight Parshath (-1)
3 Grave Protector
3 Green Gadget
3 Gyaku-Gire Panda
2 Mefist the Infernal General (-1)
3 Red Gadget
-2 Susa Soldier
-1 Asura Priest
+2 Dream Clown
3 Yellow Gadget
+2 Exarion Universe


-2 Inferno Reckless Summon
1 Limiter Removal
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Recycle
3 Smashing Ground
2 Stumbling

TRAP: 12

1 Dark Mirror Force
2 Dust Tornado
-2 Hidden Book of Spell
+2 The Transmigration Prophesy
-2 Meteorain
+2 Robbin Goblin
1 Mirror Force
+2 Ojama Trio
2 Sakuretsu Armor

OK, I know that some of these cards contradict each other in their effects - its all about the timing though. Please, feel free to comment and/or offer ANY suggestions or advice you all may have. IF there is someone out there who'd like to playtest this - by all means (just make sure to let me know how it went for you). I may end up using this a bit for touneys...

Haven't gotten around to Gadgets yet, but I'm always good for a 'steal this deck and try it' situation! I'll try to put one together tonight and see how it does against the decks I'm trying to work on for this next banlist :D

Let's see ... you're in Portland, I'm in Baltimore ... yeah, if this works well I might have to "borrow" it. LOL! Just kidding. One of the main reasons I don't play much is my inability to come up with interesting decks that actually work anymore. I hate stealing other people's ideas...

Welcome to the City, by the way! Be sure to head over to the Intro forum and give us a proper howdy-doo!

(Sorry I can't offer any advice without trying it first)
personally I would drop one each of mefist panda and grave for 3 cyber dragon. maybe drop your IRS for an mst and a third sak armour.
I hate Gadgets with a vengeance. But that doesn't mean I'm entirely clueless as how they are run. This deck... well, frankly I would advise you to rebuild your deck before taking it to your tournament.

Why do I say so?

Exhibit 1: Inferno Reckless Summon
Under no circumstance should this Spell be used on a Gadget. Ever.

Exhibit 2: Stumbling
Agreed it's a fun Spell, but the chances of it backfiring is extremely high, especially when you have absolutely nothing to save you once the opponent pops a Cyber Dragon onto the field via Special Summon.

Exhibit 3: Meteorain
Parshanth and Mefist already have Piercing, so the only ones that could benefit from this would be... Gyaku-gire?
Gyaku has pierce already. And there are better 2000 attackers than Susa Soldier.
Side note: Stumbling makes Spirits useless
Ojimaru, just to respond:

#1: Inferno Reckless Summon is NOT for the Gadgets - they are lil more than fuel for this deck, and GREAT fuel at that. IRS is for the Panda and Grave Protectors.

#2: I understand your concerns w/ Stumbling, but so far so good - heh. Options for this are welcome however.

#3: Actualy - Parshath, Mefist, AND the Panda each have piercing/trample. The 2 Meteorains are for the Gadgets, Grave Protectors, and Spirits (works well w/ good timing on a Susa Soldier)

Emerald - I doubt you'll ever see a cyberdragon in this deck - sorry.

Absird - (great name) The note you gave about Spirits and Stumbling is probably this decks one major shortcomming ATM, but I'm loath to let them go. I love spirits.
Ojimaru said:
Exhibit 2: Stumbling
Agreed it's a fun Spell, but the chances of it backfiring is extremely high, especially when you have absolutely nothing to save you once the opponent pops a Cyber Dragon onto the field via Special Summon.
Not sure why that would be a problem, since Stumbling affects ALL Summons, and that Special Summoned Cyber Dragon would still go to defense.

Now, if the happend to Tribute Summon (Set) a Cyber Dragon to the field face-down, they could waste a Book of Taiyou on it, and since it isnt considered a Summon, it would stay in Attack Position.
As I mentioned above (which Absird pointed out), I do have a problem w/ my spirits and Stumbling. I've been considering taking them out (/cries) to be replaced by 1-2 Boot-Up Soldier - Dread Dynamo and 1-2 Dream Clown (which I had pointed out to me is GREAT as a combo w/ Stumbling) - what do you all think?
Hey Bedlamite. How was that for some quick responses. :D

First off i'd like to say Ojimaru is one of my favorite posters and I hold his insights in very high regard. His initial response was very comically close to mine. <Get out of my head man> :-:

If you want to check out a sick Stumbling Deck click here...

Hit / Run / Trample

This should give you some idea of the quality of his advice and some quick pointers of how to take advantage of Stumbling.

I also pointed out <in another thread> i wasn't crazy about the Gadget as Tributes but if this is the way you're going...You gotta trust me and add Ojama Trio to this deck pronto.

1) Clog up the opponent's field protecting your Gadgets. <With a well timed Smashing Ground could cause semi-lock>
2) Pumps up the volume on Gyaku-Gire Panda Attack #.
3) Creates turnstyles for your Tramplers. <Trust me you'll love that part>

I'd definitely lose the Spirits for Dream Clown seeing as they become floaters with Stumbling in play. I'd also lose the Inferno Reckless Summon because you shouldn't use them on Gadgets but you shouldn't use them on Grave Protector either. You should only have 1 of these on the field at any 1 time. You can't attack with them so <1> 2000 Def will stop anything attacking the same as <3> will and the effect is a constant - not a 1 for. I'd also run only <4> Tributes to help bolster you're Spells as Gadgets need protection even when they're recycled. I might even consider running <3> Mefist the Infernal General because with Gadgets making you're opponent discard is better then drawing into dead gadgets. I'd also bump your deck to 45 cards if your running all 9 gadgets.

Overall though i love the idea of Grave Protector + Gadgets and i've already incorporated it into my own 1/5 Gadget Deck. <You've been Semi-NetDecked> :nyah
OK, I've made some of the recommended changes to my deck (see original post). I can see w/out even play-testing that this makes the deck even stronger, and I thank every last one of you for the help.
- Question: What do you all think of my idea for the StoN release card change? I think it'd give me a lil more freedom with my spell/trap return choices, but liking the feedback so far:

The Transmigration Prophecy
Trap - Normal
Choose 2 cards in Graveyard(s), and shuffle them back into owner's deck.

- I've yet to get around to looking at some of your decks thus far, but will ASAP (dealing w/ horrendous headache ATM - sry). I'm VERY interested in the decks here as its quite obvious I've been led (THX Lotus) to a new lvl of player - TCGPlayer won't find me so active now that I've found a more adult community, but - ohh well.

One last thing: I really would apreciate some advice for my side deck...
Dude, you're too busy normal summoning Gadgets. Rarely you see any tribute summons in a Gadget deck... Not to mention a 24 card deck in a Gadget Deck means your hand will be filled with nothing but monsters... not gunna work out...
special summon gadget...irs 2 more add 3 to hand... thins deck by 5 in one turn...grave protector can keep cycle going as they die - kind screams for cards that require a cost of discarding ...
lightening vortex rising energy etc...a real juggling act to cost = hand>grave wont? be sent to deck by gp? will it? so sp summon from grave & repeat... call of haunted, premature burial,giant rat,marauding capt,last will,irs,transmigration prophecy(is that backwards?) comming in ston(054) will help with juggling i think...key seems to be using that fist full of cards...a fist full of monsters early on can be good or bad - no balance long term is a problem - needs a win condition - what to do when your opponent "powers up" how do you get out from under a couple of big beatsticks? are your 1 for 1 's enough?
i'm thinking its interesting... take some beats learning to play it?? when you're feeling it and pedaling that deck like you're riding a bike its got to be fun...
like me trying to learn "counter fairy" i just couldn't get the feel...even when it went off and shoved a win down my throat unwillingly...
cuzwbd said:
special summon gadget...irs 2 more add 3 to hand... thins deck by 5 in one turn...grave protector can keep cycle going as they die - kind screams for cards that require a cost of discarding ...
lightening vortex rising energy etc...a real juggling act to cost = hand>grave wont? be sent to deck by gp? will it?...
Grave Protector only sends cards destroyed by battle back to the deck; not cards that are sent there, or discarded there, or tributed there, etc.

drzero7 said:
Dude, you're too busy normal summoning Gadgets. Rarely you see any tribute summons in a Gadget deck... Not to mention a 24 card deck in a Gadget Deck means your hand will be filled with nothing but monsters... not gunna work out...
What??? First - let me appologize - I'm afraid I may come off sounding a bit rude here, but I feel a strong need to respond.

Yes, you are right that one rarely sees tribs in Gadget decks, but whens the last time you saw a Gadget deck like this? Look again friend - this is NOT the normal Gadget. One of the few 'Gadget Rules' I did follow was making it a bit larger than normal @ a 45card total, with 24 being monsters (inclufing the 9 Gadgets) - thats avarage though.

(My normal breakdown is 22-23 monsters & 17-18 spell/trap)

What play testing has been done shows this deck to run quite smoothly so far, and thus am I forced to think you didn't really realise what you were looking at (or so I hope). Although your comments ARE in fact welcome, I'd hope you'd find the time to look again at exactly what this deck does (maybe even play test it yourself). I think in doing so you'll be forced to re-evaluate your original thoughts.
Hey all, I hate bumping old threads like this (and this is getting old), but I just got a suggestion I want to share. First though - this IS my play deck ATM, and very dear to me - so, don't be surprised if this happens from time to time.

A person on another forum going by the moniker Whatah suggested I switch out my 2 Meteorain (/cries) for 2 Robbin' Goblin... Wow, that works... but, what do you all think?