Ninja Vanish

well i managed to talk the cookie monster into letting me have a little say in what went in, i mean he wanted Mystic Tomato and/or dekoichi but i had to put my foot down and say "NO that makes it to CCC i at least want abit of differentness in there" and that point he stopped Supplying those choc chip cookies :(
Anti-Cookie is one thing, consistency is something totally different. First off, Exiled Force is an essential for the modern meta. Consider going down to one D. D. Survivor for Exiled Force.

Also drop Bottomless all together. Tomato and Don are running around like mad, and they get under bottomless. Trap Hole is more consistent today, so I would recommend a single Trap Hole. Now for the jaw dropper. Return from the Different Dimension.(By jaw dropper, i mean when you trigger this on your opponent.)

Spells aren't easy these days. Honestly you don't have he warriors to support double RoA. Also, confiscaton is a 1 for 1 that cost you 1000 lpts. I don't like it. And Metamorphosis just isn't reliable these days. (longs for the days of old when meta ran wild then quickly remembers the evil it unleashed). An extra Smashing Ground is nice so go up to three. Swords may also be a minus 1, but its stall ability is great when top-decking. So my fixes are as follows. Add in a Dust to the main deck as well:

-1 D. D. Survivor
+ Exiled Force

-1 Metamorphosis
-1 Confiscation
-1 Reinforcement of the Army
+1 Swords of Revealing Light
+1 Smashing Ground

-2 Bottoomless Trap Hole
+1 Trap Hole
+1 Return from the Different Dimension
+1 Dust Tornado

All and all I like the deck with or with out these changes, but these are what i would do. Good luck with it.