Official Fiend Tactics Thread

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John Danker said:
Unfortunately, Archfiend's Oath cannot be activated while Convulsions of Nature is active.

Archfiend's Oath
Continuous Spell
Once per turn you can pay 500 Life Points to declare 1 card name. Pick up the top card from your Deck and if the card name is the one you declared, add it to your hand. If not, send the card you picked up to the Graveyard.
"¢ You can activate "Archfiend's Oath" while "Convulsion of Nature" is active.
"¢ If you have multiple copies of "Archfiend's Oath", you can use all of them.

That's right out of Ronin. Did I miss something or is that a typo and should be cannot activate?

Dillie-O said:
Sweet layout Roan!!! How much is one of those things going to go for? Once I get my Archfiend deck finalized, I'll have to buy one of those from you to finish the fiendishness of it all!
Heh, thanks! But unfortunately I can't sell them because of copyrights :(

The Convulsion of Nature / Archfiend's Oath is a great idea, but potentially costly with each time you activate. However that WOULD come in handy when you need some serious drawing power fast, potentially in Fiend Exodia deck or something like that 8^D
Yes, definitely, but if you combine that with Solemn Wishes , there's no cost for drawing that card :) Pay for card -500, draw card +500 :D

Another potential combo would be Archfiend's Oath with Axe of Despair getting pummeled, tribute a monster to bring it back to the top of your deck, and then go ahead and draw it. It's quite fun indeed!
Oh, another good use! Thanks for the tip :p

How's your Archfiend deck coming along Roan? Do you have a link to it in the Deck Depot yet so we could check it out? I'd love to see it!
Well, it's done, but I haven't even tried to test it yet :( I'm using my regular fiends With the League and I don't want to lose touch with Necrofear. She's very, very touchy about me playing another deck and won't come out to play if I insult her ;)

I might run it this weekend against my husband and make changes I think need to be made. If it runs well after that, then I'll post it for improvements from you guys who will spot things that I'm too newbie to see.

I just got done discussing this elsewhere, but I thought it might come in handy when working with the Archfiends. You may or may not know it, but hey, others stumbling here may like to know:

As you continue down your path of Archfiend dueling, one thought may run across your mind...

Ooh, here's an idea. Since I have Pandemonium on the field, when my Terrorking is destroyed, I can use Pandemonium's effect to search my deck for a Desrook, and THEN use that Desrook to revive my Terrorking!!!

Unfortunately you cannot do things this way. Let's take a moment to look at a couple things...

Pandemonium Ruling:
While "Pandemonium" is active, and you have "Desrook Archfiend" in your hand, and your "Terrorking Archfiend" is destroyed while on the field, "Pandemonium" is Step 1 of a chain , but you can use "Desrook Archfiend" as Step 2 of the chain. Then you would get to Special Summon the "Terrorking Archfiend" and select a Level 3 or lower Archfiend from your Deck.

Desrook Ruling:
Because "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect is optional, the "Terrorking Archfiend" being sent to the Graveyard has to be the very last thing that happened in order for you to activate "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect. You cannot activate "Desrook Archfiend"'s effect in the middle of a chain, such as if "Pot of Greed" was activated and "Ring of Destruction" was chained to destroy "Terrorking Archfiend" and send him to the Graveyard in the middle of the chain.

The key thing to look at here is that Desrook's effect is OPTIONAL. That means that the last thing to happen on the event or chain link is that Terrorking has to be send to the graveyard for the potential Desrook revival. However, it is possible to get too monsters out of the deal. Let's see what happens when we start building the chain.

Link 1 is Pandemonium's effect to search for a monster, and link 2 is Desrook's revival effect (since we need to have Terrorking going to the graveyard as the last thing to happen). So we resolve in reverse...

Resolution 1: Desrook is sent to the graveyard and Terrorking is revived

Resolution 2: A monster of 3 stars or less is searched for in the deck and brought to the hand.

If we tried to do this in reverse order, this is what would happen:

Resolution 1: A monster of 3 stars or less (assume Desrook) is searched for and brought to the hand.

Resolution 2: Desrook is sent to the graveyard to...hold up, the last thing we had happen was a monster was searched for and brought to the hand. So we can no longer use Desrook's effect, because the timing is invalid.

Hopefully this clarifies a few things for you. The key to remmeber is that Desrook's effect is optional, which causes a few restrictions on when it can be activated. This same concept also applies to Archfiend of Gilfer in certain scenarios.

Hopefully this has clarified a point for you and feel free to ask any more questions if needs be.
That last one is one of my fav combos! (Malice Doll of Demise + Ectoplasmer) A few downsides to it that I have found is that it gives your opponent a clear shot at your lifepoints if used early in the duel. Also, unless you have other Dolls of Demise in your deck, Ectoplasmer will start to shred your defenses instead of your opponents. This is usually a tactic that should only be used mid-way in a duel, after you have a few monsters or traps guarding you. Of course, using this card makes you run the risk of your opponent then turning around and killing you with a constant stream of direct damage... but that has yet to happen to me. I'm just saying that it is a distinct possibility. Still, all of that aside, if you use this combo later in the duel, then it is an awsome combo. It is especially good if you have another strong monster on the field. Under those circumstances, it is almost impossible to stop it, since it will either force your opponent to sacrifice next to useless montsers so that their stronger monsters remain uneffected, or forcing them to sacrifice their strong monsters and open up thier defenses, while you just keep sacrificing a monster that you always get back.
Wow, that was a lot of stuff on one combo. Probably just cuz I LOVE this combo.
You need to take that "clear shot" your opponent has and turn it to your advantage. No doubt your opponent will want to take any clean shot they have before they loose their monster. Using Magic Cylinder or Dimension Wall will help you out there and make it work agaist them.
I noticed that was your 1st post. Welcome FiendsRule. Please visit our Intro/Farewell area and introduce yourself to the community! I'm sure you'll love it here!
John Danker said:
You need to take that "clear shot" your opponent has and turn it to your advantage. No doubt your opponent will want to take any clean shot they have before they loose their monster. Using Magic Cylinder of Dimension Wall will help you out there and make it work agaist them.
...which is one of the rare instances in which I advocate Dimension Wall. Normally an almost useless card, a deck in which your field is often empty can make this truly powerful.

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