PC Atlanta

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New Member
Anyone going to play or judge? I got accepted to judge there, so I'll be there all weekend long. I kinda wish I was playing, but judging is going to be a blast. So, who else is going?
Yeah, you'll have a blast judging. I'll be there playing for sure so I hope to see you there. Hopefully you'll see me sitting in the top 8 on Sunday, I'm more than sure that if I make day 2 I'll either place high in the standings or make top 8. Yep I'm that good at JLA draft, lol.

But yeah, I'll see you there.
Awesome. Good luck playing...any thoughts to what deck to run? I guess it'd probably depend on what comes out in X-Men, of course.
[ycard="DR1-EN006" said:
Helpoemer[/ycard]316]Yeah, you'll have a blast judging. I'll be there playing for sure so I hope to see you there. Hopefully you'll see me sitting in the top 8 on Sunday, I'm more than sure that if I make day 2 I'll either place high in the standings or make top 8. Yep I'm that good at JLA draft, lol.

But yeah, I'll see you there.

After I get qualified I'll be there, sitting right next to you in the top 8... lol Go! Teen Titans.... lol Wait is that modern again.... hmmm... maybe I should put a deck together... lol
Don't worry, I haven't even started putting anything together, I'm hoping to stockpile a lot of Avengers and X-Men stuff in a few weeks though. Star City owes me quite a few boxes right now for judge compensation so I should have enough to put something nice together.

I'm teetering on what I want to run, but depending on anything strong from X-Men, I'll probably be going with Avenger Team Attack, which seems like it'd be a pretty strong choice for the Modern Age.

Alex, I'm looking for people interested in maybe going in on a room for the weekend. If you're interested in that, just get back with me, I've found a good hotel that's right there on the Airport (so you wouldn't have travel far from the airport if you're flying in) and is pretty cheap. According to the GICC (Georgia International Convention Center) where the PC is being held at, the hotels are nearby the center, so it looks like it'll work out well.

Anyways, yeah, just LMK. We can talk more about it later, just hit me up on AIM or something.
I believe we are going 4 deep this time, possible 5.... we haven't even started thinking about how we are going to get down there yet....lol...
I won't be going to this PC. For some reason all the VS events close by fall on my kids birthdays this year. I just missed the PCQ because of my son and my daughters is the weekend of the PC. Hopefully we will get 2-3 more pcq's here so I can qualify before Indy. Good luck to all of those making the trip down to Atlanta .
Hotlanta is a little too far for me at this point and time. But I'll be in Columbia...wait, I've already mentioned that, haven't I? ;)
I haven't had any luck as of late, either I miss PCQs or they are one of the largest PCQs in VS history....

This year Indy is a bust for me, I'm going to be in Las Vegas hopefully bringing down the house instead....lol
Yeah, PCQ's have been growing in size recently. Maybe you should try your luck with a few sealed PCQ's, sealed is normally small and the competition sometimes isn't as fierce. If you're at least somewhat familiar with the set being played then you've also got a good shot to win just as much as anyone else. Of course, right now it's JLA, I suspect they'll mostly change over to X-Men as March comes around.
yeah, the next PCQ I go to I'm going to play sealed. The current Meta is to diverse and its too tough to guarentee a top eight placement in a PCQ no matter how good you are.

Sealed does place most players on equal footing unless the packs you get are straight garbage.... (its happened, once I ended up with only 2 six drops to use, ugh...)
Better then ending up with no pumps whatsoever. Now that's what I call HATE drafting. At least it was an informal match (i.e. free.)
PC Atlanta should be fun. 300 geeks in one room... um yeah fun. lol. I wish more women played VS. That would be my solemate... of yeah the subject is Atlanta... GO brotherhood!!!
trying to get my wife to start playing again. If she were into it more, I think I would take the tournament scene more seriously.
There are gals that play, they're just few and far between. Anyways, the events just 3 weeks away, w00t and I've already booked my hotel room for the weekend so I'll most definitely be there. With my PC points capped at 20 right now I need to get rid of a few of them, lol.

Anyways folks, I'll see you guys there.
[ycard="PGD-058" said:
Helpoemer[/ycard]316]There are gals that play, they're just few and far between. Anyways, the events just 3 weeks away, w00t and I've already booked my hotel room for the weekend so I'll most definitely be there. With my PC points capped at 20 right now I need to get rid of a few of them, lol.

Anyways folks, I'll see you guys there.

It's not hard when you play at a PCQ with 7 people and luck your way in to top 2. :)
It was sealed and for some reason was a low turn out. We usually get 10-15 for sealed and 25-40 for constructed. The Yugioh turnout was even worse. It only had 80 something when it usually gets 200.
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