PCQ - Kings Games, Brooklyn NYC - 01/8/2006 - Report

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The PCQ was in NYC the capitol of the world. I believe that this PCQ is the largest ever recorded with 59 players. The tournament went on for 9 rounds of swiss, translation a really long tournament. I drove down to the tournament with three other friends that I play with regularly. We were all running different decks and no one was running Squadron Supreme. Our decks broke down to the following: G-LOC, Fat Bat, Anti-Matter Rush, and Fantastic League of Fun.

The tournament had a big variation on decks, most common was Squadron Supreme, G-LOC, Avengers and Titans. The new tech that I saw for the tournament was Bad Press and Slaughter Swamp. Both help slow down Squadron Supreme, when the Squadron Supreme player would go activate Answer the Call, activate Slaughter Swamp and return a card to their hand to fizzle out Answer the Call's effect. I saw the Squadron Supreme decks running Bad Press to stop the Rein of Terror, and to gain an advantage in the mirror match.

The biggest surprise of the day had to be the Spider-Stall deck that made the top eight, he went with an impressive 8-1 record, in a challenging meta, this wasn't a small tournament and many top ranked players attended this PCQ.

Round 1:
I played against the deck that I didn't expect to see much of and didn't tech for it, G-LOC. I lost needless to say once he got Oliver Queen <> Green Arrow ~ Emerald Archer, and started KOing my Invisible Woman, there was going to be no Child Lock.

Round 2:
I played Squadron Supreme, he drew an incredible hand, first turn he managed to dump his hand drop down Joystick, equip her and pump her to new heights"¦ From that point on I could recover. I lost another one.

Round 3:
I was going to face a teammate of mine, but we aGreed he would scoop to me since I need the points for the next PC.

Round 4:
Another Squadron Supreme deck, yes I did tech for this deck. In play testing I would win 6 out of 10. This time I lose to it simply because my deck shut down. No characters first three turns do I have to say any thing.

Round 5:
I played a deck that teamed up Teen Titans and Faces of Evil. The premise was to take your characters with Jericho and have Thunderball get huge. Needless to say against my deck that isn't going to help you win a match. I win this easily.

Round 6:
I played another Squadron Supreme deck. I win this one; it was close though I was at 1 he was at -1.

Round 7:
I played yet another Squadron Supreme deck. I also win this one; this one wasn't as close as the last one since I was able to get a Catchers Mitt early.

Round 8:
Another Squadron Supreme deck!!! Told you it was popular, this one I also win easily nothing special here.

Round 9:
Played a G-Loc deck, it was funny because I had the lock going and I was burning with Flamethrowers and he was gaining it all back. The Cover Fires were bouncing my attacks so I couldn't break through the defense. Time was called and I scooped, he was going to win on endurance eventually.

My teammate that was running the Anti-Matter rush was sitting at the top table all day. He was the only player to beat the Spider-Stall deck in the swiss rounds. We all thought he was definitely going to top eight today, but his deck started choking after he won five in a row and he lost the next four"¦ I'll leave my other teammates out of this report because of their embarrassing records and losses. I almost died laughing in one of the mistakes that cost my teammate a game (I'll be making fun of him for days to come).

Top eight at the end of the day:

  • Anti-Matter Rush
  • Doom Boom w/ Dr. Light
  • Amazing Spider-Stall
  • Common Enemy
  • SqS Rush
  • Glock
  • Titans
  • Avengers Reservists
I don't know who won the PCQ, we were all worn out and hungry and I wasn't going to stick around.
You were there? Maybe I talked to you what were you wearing and who were you with. And how did you do?

I know you probably heard about the Fat Bat deck and the JLI fantastic Four deck I ran.
Wait... how many pc's have you played in? How did you place in your last pcq? And remember I have your plane ticket.... lol
Ah, blackmale, its a wonderful thing. By the way DaAmazing1, where is your PC invite, 7 points wont get you too far. How did you do at the last PCQ? 4-3 right? I thought Titans would rule all? And yes I know, you have my plane ticket too, but I have your hotel room, so dont start son!!!
On other notes, dealing with PCQ NY, I ran a chomin abuse deck with some inustice gang splashed in. It swarmed well, but didnt have as much beat as a straight anti-matter build. Also, birthing chamber in place of willworld and no searcher hurt. I ended 5-4, not terrible, but losing to squad in round 9 to send me home sucks! eh, it happens.
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