PCQ - Lebenon PA 3/4/2006

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Well here is yet another tournament report... This tournament was a complete shocker, it was in the middle of nowhere and yet it still brought in close to 30 competitors. Everyone I talked to came to this tournament in hopes of easy wins since noone expected more than 8 people to show up for this one....lol (Same reason I went, plus it ws close to home).

I went down with the same bunch of guys as usual. Decks we ran were Teen Titans (Me, I couldn't find anything else), Avengers (TheBlackSuperNinja), Avengers (GrippingGrain20) and Big Brotherhood (We'll call him FatBoy, since he's not here to defend himself).

The meta wasn't as diverse as the last PCQ, it was mostly Titans, Squad (suprisingly). Here is how it went down for me.

Round 1:
This round sucked because I got paired with FatBoy we both need the points to win so we decide to play it out. This should be an auto-win for Titans, since I just stun all his characters outside the combat phase. The game was playing out in my favor the whole game, I could have won on turn six but me being a retard I forget to use Garth's effect and get the press back from my KO pile for game. Anyways the game then drags on for 2 more turns until I win.

Round 2:
I play an Avengers deck. This is a much tougher match-up for Titans since they can do a little bit of stunning outside the combat phse with Wonderman and Hawk-Eye. The kid I played had an awful hand, good because so did I! I ended up KaBooming his Avengers Mansion on turn four (I didn't have Garth). After that it was all downhill for him... I win again.

Round 3:
I play a 10 teams deck. It's basically a Child deck that burns using flamethrowers. It should be an auto-win for Titans with all the low drop hate. I draw the worse Titans draw ever nothing but characters for the first 4 turns!!!!! No plot twists, no locations nothing, he was able to set up his combo and go to work on me. I still had a decent chance to win if I just would have drawn 1 "Press the Attack". I lose....

The kid who was piloting the deck was a very good player, but I personally think the deck is garbage. If I would have had a half decent draw I would have demolised the deck, even with the awful draw I had I still almost beat him.

Round 4:
I play an unaffiliated characters deck. I manage to get the same draw against this deck that I got against the last deck. Only difference was I managed to get a plot twist that I couldn't use. Since it was a curve deck I couldn't keep up and I lost. I personally thought the deck has no place in a competitive environment 8 out of 10 times it will probably lose.

Round 5:
I get paired against TheBlackSuperNinja, he scooped to me because he doesn't need the points and I do.

Round 6:
I play the mirror match, Titans vs Titans! This is going to come down to the better draw. It was a pretty awful game, we both came out the gates slow missing on 1. Turn 2 we both drop Timmy. Turn 3 he Hawk and Doves and do the same. Turn four I hit Terra and he misses and drops Red Star... This marks the start of the end for him. At one point we manged to get a chain going that had a total of 4 presses played 1 of mine 3 of his!!! Actually in the end it worked to my advantage even though he managed to stun more characters because he went down to 2 resources while I stayed at 5. I win this mirror match no problem my like was 38 his was in the negatives. This match was decided more on skill, my opponent was obviously learning how to play titans and didn't know when to stop activating Roy activating 3 times in one turn and kiloing any chance to do anything next turn is pretty much like shooting yourself in the foot.

Round 7:
Last round need to win for the top 8. I get to play a squad deck, YESS!!!!! I can beat this deck no problem.... Ummmm.. yeah... No problem right...

I get a awful draw agains this deck no low drops, no Terra!!! He hits every drop with equips! Needless to say he beat the crap out of me before I even had a chance to fight back. I lose...

I end up 9th, TheBlackSuperNinja ends up a respectful 25th..lol, GrippingGrain gets into the top 8 with only one lose, and Fatboy was somewhere in the teens....

I believe GrippingGrain ended up losing to a Squad deck in the first round. Man what luck that was probably the worst match-up for him.....
Yeah, about Lebanon. 5th ain't bad, but losing to a **** poor squad deck just annoys the heck out of me. Here's the lowdown:

Game 1: I draw crap, i draw crap and right before I scoop, I draw more crap. Lets just say one more pile shuffle was needed. I lose on turn 4 via scoopage!!!

Game 2: Draw looks good. I have field advantage and everything. Then two panacea potions change that. I had one miscue, swinging at the wrong character which in the end cost me the game. Oh well, you live, you learn...I hate squad!!!

Anyway, DaAmazing1, I am disappointed. I had high expectations for ya bro. Although, you did kick FatBoy's fat, shall we say, butt fair and square.

Looking towards ATL, anyone got any suggestions on what should be run?
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