Please everyone who is Actively here Please Reply!

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New Member
I am wondering how many peeps we got here in the Metropolis thread!

i would like to figure out ways to increase activity.

Another question, Does this website have a T-shirt or anything.

We do have shirts in the works, two of them to be precise, believe one of them was for people who are actively Team Innovation members (those who play representing, much like how Realmsworx has Team Realmsworx) and another that is open for the general public.

Those shirts were supposed to be finished soon, but I'm not sure on the progress of them. I've asked Rob about how long it'll be until they are done and they are ready to either put on sale or hand out to Team Innovation members, etc.

Once I get an answer from that question, I'll update you guys.
I think the first thing that would help activity would be a cool T-shirt that can be strut at the events so that people see it!
It's just a shirt that's like... black or a very dark blue or something like that with the VSRealms logo on the front of it (full front almost) and then on the back it says near the collar "Powered by Realmsworx" with the Realmsworx logo, nothing too special. One of the guys at my tournaments has a VSRealms shirt, so I've seen it up close, plus I saw one up at Columbus, OH at the 10K as well.
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