Polymerization LOB-EN059

Normal Spell

Send Fusion Material Monsters that are listed by a Fusion Monster Card from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, and Special Summon the Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck.

Since we just had a Fusion contest, why not take a look at Fusion related cards that haven't been reviewed already and to start with we have the card that was essential for Fusions. Though a bit dated, it's still a useful way to go to properly special summon your fusion based monsters (as you'll see later this week). It since has gained a searcher ("King of the Swamp") and with the influx of easy accessable Fusion Substitute monsters, Fusion-themed decks look to make a return to gameplay. "Polymerization" is almost essential for this kind of deck though its biggest drawback is that you are only limited to 3 in your deck.
The fact you can use monster cards from your hand greatly increase the playability of polymerization. Especially with Thunder Dragons.

However, it's so inpractical! Since the best fusion monsters are dark, it's easier to just use Dark Hex.
true, but you still need this card for Dark Paladin... lol...

yeah, most good fusions are dark, followed by earth, followed by light. water fusions --- not too many... fire fusions --- fire fusions? wind fusions --- umm... Punished Eagle?

see my (and Xeno's) points? so i guess this card really isnt much use anymore. the only fusions that you would want to use with Polymerization anymore are.. well, Dark Paladin, since the XYZ's dont need it. the Hexes just override though, in my opinion...

3/5. If you want to use it, by all means, go ahead.

English only one: 3/5. Is that Red-Eyes and Summoned Skull my eyes spy?
Other one: 3/5. Not too bad...
in my dark paladin deck I use 3 poly and 2 emblem of dragon destroyer I think poly is a better way to fusion summon, concider dark hex must be tributed from the field with the matterial also on the field. that's 2 summons/sets IE 2 turns how often to you get two monsters on the field at the same time these days with out something bad happening what with torrential, bottomless, compulsory evac? and now with FET out setting cards is even harder ( freaking pheonix ) so having dark hex survive is a challenge and to much effort to protect it when I can do it all from my hand in 1 turn. even the first turn.