okay, priority isnt complicated.
priority = the Turn player will be and is the first link in the chain unless they pass on their priority.
now, a monster summoned onto the field first must be successfully summoned in order for the turn player to claim priority using one of his Ignition effect monsters.
what does that mean, basically i try and summon a
Drillago i ask if the monster will be summoned succesfully and i ask this because its a good way to not jump the gun. they calim to use
Horn of Heaven or solem, okay, the monster never made it to the field. and since it never made it nobody can use torrential or bottomless, correct? correct.
okay now lets say the summon is successfully your opponent must ask you if you would like to use your priority to activate an ignition effect. IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY WILL RESPOND OR NOT. they should ask and you as the turn player should give a honest answer, if its no, then its no, if its yes then move on to do the ignition effect.
only because you ask it doesnt mean you really will activate anything in the first place, its just curtosy and a way to keep the game on track. because you dont want to end up in a sitaution were they go. oh, they never asked if i were to use priority or something similar to that.
you jumpin the gun is what gives hints to your opponent. Not asking them a simple question as if they would like to activate an ignition effect.
Parania leads to alot of mistakes, just remember the simple question, "Sir would you like to use an ignition effect monster?"