Priority/Timing Question.


idle mc...
Just to quickly clarify this, it came up in some duels recently that I had, involving Black Luster Soldier - Envoy Of The Beginning.

I know about the usual priority issues about the player's use of priority with certain monster effects (i.e. BLS).

When BLS is successfully special summoned, and declares to use its monster removal effect upon summoning, and the opponent chains with Bottomless Trap Hole, would it be legal to activate a QP Spell/Trap card to the BTH (in 2 cases, Book Of Moon and Interdimensional Matter Transporter), such that the BLS would be saved from the effect of BTH?

Most cases I've seen with just your opponent chaining once to your use of priority, but haven't seen any cases that I can recall with the turn player chaining something to that effect...

I believe that it would be legal, since the spell speeds are being followed, and resolving the chains would work out properly, but I just want you all to clarify me on this in case I AM mistaken.
You're right. Put the whole "priority" issue out of the discussion for the moment. Once an effect activates and a chain begins, you can keep responding with Appropriate spells and traps as long as it follows the chaining rules. Now, some chains (like the first one after a summon) allow you to activate some cards you couldn't otherwise (like Bottomless Trap Hole, chain Torrential Tribute) but even there it's a speed 2 to a speed 2. So yes, the chain you described is perfectly normal and allowable.
SPK said:
Okay another question about BLS removal effect:

If your opponent's BLS uses its removal effect upon a Cyber Jar, and you chain to the effect with Desert Sunlight, when the chain resolves, would Cyber Jar be put out of play, or would the chance for it to be removed been lost, since Cyber Jar would be in the GY when BLS effect resolves?

Chain 1:

Bls-- > Desert Sunlight

Desert Sunlight Flips everything face-up, Cyber Jar's effect triggers, but must wait for a new chain to resolve -- > BLS removes Cyber Jar From play

Chain 2:
Cyber Jar's effect activates while its removed from play, check for chaining... and then resolve, ending with Cyber Jar destroying BLS and then picking up cards and then summoning and adding cards to the hand.
Cyber Jar getting flipped in the middle of a chain starts a new chain after the current one resolves.

Resolve the current chain the way DaGuy sited. Then Cyber Jar's chain begins. Cyber Jar only has to flipped and its effect already active and doen't have to be on the field to resolve.