I saw a Dustshoot + Drop off Control deck the other day, which ended up losing to my SC off of Train plays, but I was wondering if what you guys think about a Prohibition control deck involving those cards, if you go first and you get a dustshoot that -1 hand temporarily and a peak at their hand then turn 2 you maximize advantage using prohibition and then I was thinking either of using either skill drain or soul exchange to keep up pressure, another key card would be Giant Trunade to bounce if they set and to bounce and reuse your Prohibitions accordingly.
Problems I can think of off the top of my head, SExchange is pretty iffy at times and inconsistent, a well timed Heavy wrecks your day hopefully you can see that coming and prohibit it and strip it later with something else, I am also thinking of burn as the clincher since they ll have to deal with a number cards. People are/were using Darkworlds as counters to hand discard but dustshoot kind of shoots that out of the water.
I know I rambled through much of it, but I don't have time to make a deck this high maintenance let alone test it, so I am just throwing it out there and maybe you'll, yes I mean YOU, find it interesting enough to try it out
Problems I can think of off the top of my head, SExchange is pretty iffy at times and inconsistent, a well timed Heavy wrecks your day hopefully you can see that coming and prohibit it and strip it later with something else, I am also thinking of burn as the clincher since they ll have to deal with a number cards. People are/were using Darkworlds as counters to hand discard but dustshoot kind of shoots that out of the water.
I know I rambled through much of it, but I don't have time to make a deck this high maintenance let alone test it, so I am just throwing it out there and maybe you'll, yes I mean YOU, find it interesting enough to try it out