Pump up the Vocabulary


Thief of Always
Luciferous [adj. - illuminating, literally and figuratively]
Logolepsy [n. - an obsession with words]

In other words: an illuminating obsession with words

Five new words/phrases every day will be posted here.

Note: Mods, this is a closed thread and not a discussion thread.

  1. a cheval
    phr. - 'on horseback'; astride; straddling.
  2. a corps perdu
    phr. - 'with lost body'; impetuously; in desperation.
  3. a fond
    phr. - 'to the bottom'; thoroughly.
  4. a la belle étoile
    phr. - 'under the beautiful star'; in the open air at night.
  5. a la mort
    phr. - 'to the death'; mortally.

  1. a mensa et thoro
    adj. - 'from table and bed'; applied to judicial separation of husband and wife.
  2. a outrance
    phr. - 'to the utmost'; to the death.
  3. ab initio
    phr. - from the beginning; from the very start or outset
  4. ab irato
    phr. - from an angry man: hence, not to be taken too seriously
  5. ab ovo
    phr. - from the egg: from the very beginning, hence completely and in great detail; throughly or voluminously

  1. abderian
    adj. - pertaining to foolish or excessive laughter
  2. abdominous
    adj. - having or pertaining to a distended stomach
  3. abliguration
    n. - extravagance in cooking and serving
  4. ablutomania
    n. - a mania for washing oneself
  5. abscissin
    n. - hormone which triggers the fall of autumn leaves in certain trees

  1. absquatulate
    v. - to leave hurriedly, suddenly, or secretly
  2. abstersive
    adv. - serving to cleanse or purge
  3. acalculia
    n. - the inability to work with numbers
  4. acapnotic
    n. - person who doesn't smoke
  5. acariasis
    n. - infestation with mites or ticks; the itch.

  1. acaricide
    n. - substance killing mites. acaricidal, adj.
  2. acarpous
    adj. - Botany, not yielding fruit.
  3. acatalepsy
    n. - state of being impossible to understand; Philosophy, sceptic doctrine that knowledge cannot be certain. acataleptic, adj.
  4. acataleptic
    adj. - incomprehensible
  5. acaudate
    adj. - lacking tail.

  1. acaulescent
    adj. - lacking a stem.
  2. accensor
    n. - Roman Catholic, acolyte.
  3. acceptilation
    n. - the settlement of a debt without payment
  4. accessit
    n. - honourable mention of one who comes nearest to a prize.
  5. acciaccatura
    n. - Music, very short note played before a longer note; short appoggiatura.

  1. accismus
    n. - rhetorical device of pretending to refuse.
  2. acclivity
    n. - slope upward. acclivitous, acclivous, adj.
  3. accolent
    adj. - neighbouring.
  4. accouchement
    n. - childbirth. accoucheur, accoucheuse, n. male and female midwife respectively
  5. accrementition
    n. - Biology growth by addition of similar matter.