Qeustion about tournament's

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The Last Real Dragon
hi hello

i have a Qeustion

what kind of tournament's are there for vs system

i now seald en constructed
but with constucted
is there a tournament where only 1 serie is legal to play like marvel or dc

or can you play at each tournament with al cards that have been released?

sorry if this is a stuppid Qeustion
and thanks for any help that you can give me
There are a few constructed formats.

The one where every card (but Overload) is legal is considered Golden Age.
Marvel Modern Age is a constructed format where only the last two Marvel sets are legal (currently MSM and MMK).
DC Modern Age is a constructed format where only the last two DC sets are legal (currently DSM and DGL).
so marvel modern age is: spiderman and Marvel Knights
and dc modern age is superman and green latern

and when a new set is released the oldest one drops
from the list
and cards from marvel en dc origins can'only be playd
in golden age format

am i correct?
That is correct. If you are going to PCQs, it is important to pay attention to this as well. Currently, all PCQs are Golden Age and will be until the next PC (mid-August). After this, it will be DC Modern until the next PC, followed by Golden Age, followed by Marvel Modern, etc.
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