Quick Question

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FaceBook User
Im thinking about getting back into yugioh after quiting 3 years ago and was wondering what would be the best booster box to buy to build a good deck
Pretty much nothing's changed in the last three years in as much as you still need the same basic cards to build a solid deck, and they don't all come from one booster. If you're getting back in, I'd recommend maybe buying the few staple cards you need for a deck individually or trading for them, then get back into buying packs just for the pulls and new stuff. No one set will give you a solid deck by itself.
I would recommend just buying a solid deck somewhere, you spend less money and can be used to build Other decks (for ex.: Stapple cards-MST,Giant Trunade,Heavy Storm,Torrential Tribute etc.).Buying a box is a a little expensive and chances of you getting the cards you want are Low.
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