return vs torrential tribute

Dueling Dad

Texan Dad/Judge
I need some help on this to understand it.

Player A has a set torrential tribute and has 1 face up monster.

Player B has a set return and has a smashing ground in hand.

Okay it is players B turn he activates Smashing and chains Return.

Can player A chain Torrential to the summoning of the monsters with return?? I can understand that the timming would be wrong since the chain has to resolve before player can activate the torrential. Seeing that smashing was activated first and return was chained. I agreed to the ruling that player A could not activate the torrential. I just need some proof to show at my store.

Thank you, D.D.
You cant chain Torrential Tribute to Return from the Different Dimension.

When Torrential Tribute resolves, there are no monsters summoned yet, so it would destroy nothing.

You would have to wait for the entire chain

Chain Link 2
Return from the Different Dimension, Monsters Special Summoned

Chain Link 1
Smashing Ground, destroys opponent's monster with highest defense

to resolve in order to activate it, since any monsters removed from play would now be returned to the field by Special Summon.