Returning Unions


New Member
Quick one... If a Monster and its Union counterpart are Special Summoned by Return from the Different Dimension, can the Union monster be equipped to the correct monster to prevent the monster from being removed from play?

I play Return from the Different Dimension and bring back Spirit Reaper, Zombie Tiger and a Decayed Commander. Main Phase 2 I equip Decayed Commander with Zombie Tiger. What happens next? Will Zombie Tiger be removed, protecting my Decayed Commander from the effect? Or will both still be removed because of RFtDD?

I know there's a lot of problems with this game. The best we can do is figure out an explaination as to why a ruling is the way it is. At least my explaination can be some what editible.

The whole issue with the Special Summoning that The Shallow Grave does being a Set got shot down. There was no official ruling that said a Special Summoning that's face down is a Set. If there was, I certainly didn't see it.

If a player asks me a question why a ruling is the way it is and there isn't any obvious reference in all the card text in question. I find them the best explaination I can.

<goes to his last class of the day>
Tkwiget said:
The whole issue with the Special Summoning that The Shallow Grave does being a Set got shot down. There was no official ruling that said a Special Summoning that's face down is a Set. If there was, I certainly didn't see it.

"¢ "Set", as a verb (as in the first sentence of "D.D. Trap Hole"), means placing a monster face-down. So you can activate "D.D. Trap Hole" when your opponent Sets a monster from the hand, or Special Summons a monster face-down with "The Shallow Grave", or flips his monster face-down with a card effect.

so, in a way, Special Summoning face-down is ALSO a Set.
I brought that up not because of there being a difference in "terms" but because of the confusion it may cause because of the difference in situations.
Well there is a difference between a set monster and the act of seting a monster. Neither have been clearly defined but can be ascertained on a case by case basis.
Digital Jedi, I don't believe it ever WAS defined in the first place.

Just some food for thought. @_@ More of my bullcrap, yay!!

"Set", as a verb (as in the first sentence of "D.D. Trap Hole"), means placing a monster face-down. So you can activate "D.D. Trap Hole" when your opponent Sets a monster from the hand, or Special Summons a monster face-down with "The Shallow Grave", or flips his monster face-down with a card effect.

"Set", as an adjective (as in the second sentence of "D.D. Trap Hole"), means a face-down monster. So if "Ceasefire" is chained to "D.D. Trap Hole", the effect of "D.D. Trap Hole" Disappears because the opponent's monster is no longer Set.
The first use of the word "Set" is an action of placing a monster face down. Its' second sentence is what identifies what D.D. Trap Hole is targetting. It's mere identification for D.D. Trap Hole.

The Shallow Grave doesn't "Set" anything at all. Through the card text it has, it's going through the action of "Setting" a monster on the field. The only difference is the monster is actually being Special Summoned in the case of The Shallow Grave.

Remember that face down Special Summons are not considered to be Sets. The cards' effect creates the process or action of a monster being placed face down which is evidant with D.D. Trap Hole's first ruling.

@_@ I'm starting to not like where this is going.
Thanks, Tkwiget for pointing out that ruling on Combination Attack. I missed that and was only basing my reference off of the difference in text between that and Formation Union.

But I have to agree, now that I have seen it, that since there is a physical statement that groups Combination Attack's effect as a Special Summon, and there is no other ruling I see that contradicts that inference, I would probably have to rule it the same way.

Cropz is correct here... a Special Summon face-down is also considered a Set in terms of activation requirements.

You could also group Shadow of Eyes in here as well.

UDE night not have specified it, but the JERP has long made a note of it.

As far as Combination Attack, i'll definately agree to it being a Special Summon.
I still have no clue what JERP is. o_O I suppose I get my explainations the old fashion way by breaking up card text and matching them up with rulings. @_@ God is it a long and tedious process.
Tkwiget said:
I still have no clue what JERP is. o_O I suppose I get my explainations the old fashion way by breaking up card text and matching them up with rulings. @_@ God is it a long and tedious process.
The JERP (Japanese Expert Rules Page) is a Japanese rulings site that has been around since before i even started playing YGO... so over 3-4 years.

It is larger (in knowledge base) than UDE and Konami's respective sites, and for a long time, before the Judge's List was even a twinkle in UDE's was the go-to resource for those wanting to know rules/rulings.

They get there rulings straight from the Konami Hotline in Japan, despite what UDE says. The site itself is of course unofficial.

So, we all do it the old fashioned way just like you, it's just those who know, have an extra (great) resource other then UDE... ;)
Well that's the thing, I don't rely on UDE at all. I don't even know how to get to the JERP website. @_@ It might actually shed some light on some of my personal card issues I've been trying to resolve on my own.
Tkwiget said:
Well that's the thing, I don't rely on UDE at all. I don't even know how to get to the JERP website. @_@ It might actually shed some light on some of my personal card issues I've been trying to resolve on my own.

as the name implies, the site is in Japanese, so if you can't read japanese you can either:

1. learn it! :p

2. use translators, such as Babelfish (Babblefish).

if you're going for #2, be warned that it's going to take you a LONG time to get used to the "translations" and interpret things the way they are supposed to be (that's how it was for me at least :p).