Side Deck now to contain Fusion/Synchro

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Eschew Obfuscation
Well, the TCG has finally caught up with the OCG in this. Rumors have abounded that this may be happening for several months, but now it is so. The Rule book for the new Warrior Stucture Deck statees that the Side Deck can be used to switch out cards from your Deck and/or Extra Deck. That's right! If it wasn't difficult enough for judges to catch cheaters, now it will be more so. Also note that they managed to keep the edition of the rulebook at 7.0, wherein, since they are making a change it should at least be 7.1, right? Anyway,

I think its because of the limitations the game already has. as in you can only have 40 to 60 cards in a deck. the side is 0 or 15. im not sure how many for fusion or synchro, but im sure the probably have a reason for adding all these other cards to the sidedeck.

Really the only thing the sideboard does is swap cards during a match... so im not even sure the reason behind it. Is there some rules that use the sideboard?
Right now there are no cards that interact with the Side Deck, but that would be interesting, wouldn't it?

Side Deck and Extra Deck can contain anywhere between 0 and 15 cards. 0-15 has been that way for a little while for the Extra Deck, but is fairly new to the Side Deck. If you ask me, it makes it harder for the judges to check against cheating. How are we supposed to know on approach how many cards were originally in the Side Deck? And how hard is it exactly to come up with a few extra cards to make 15? Especially now that Fusions and Synchros can go in there! I say, bring back the 0 OR 15!!

It does make sense, I suppose, that since players are limited to 15 max. in the Extra Deck, that they allow for options in the Side Deck.
according to the new rulebook both decks are either 0 or 15. Also thats what a decklist is for. If the deck list is showing something different from what is being presented then thats a player infraction and deserves the proper penalty.

Atleast thats how magic does it. and People try and cheat with the sidedeck and crap hits the fan hard when a judge gets called over for a deck check.
according to the new rulebook both decks are either 0 or 15.

Please refer to newest rule book: Page 2, under "Getting Started". (for the pdf, it's like page 6)

Also thats what a decklist is for. If the deck list is showing something different from what is being presented then thats a player infraction and deserves the proper penalty.

Yes, but you won't necessarily know what your opponent has to call a judge over to check (with exactly 15, it was an easy check, now you have to take his word for it). Now the only sure-fire way to catch them is with a deck check. I advise my players to ask before each match and write their answer down on their notepad for future reference and to check between games, but you still have to take your opponent's word for it.
i dont know about Yugi's tournament protocols but for Magic, before the start of a game you can request a judge to do a fair open deck policy with both players. You can know how many cards in both players deck, you can also have them know the contents of the deck. Then again in Magic you only deal with main and sideboard. and the sideboard now has to be Unsleaved.

yugi i dont know anymore.
I think the actual number of cards in the deck, side deck and extra deck should be available to the opponent at the start of the match but not what's in the deck that should be available to the deck owner and the judge. Knowing what's in your opponents deck before the match starts would take away some of the fun of seeing what kind of deck their running and your likely to play differently right from the start.
Correct. The number of cards in the Deck, Side and Extra are considered Public Knowledge. However, you will have to trust that when your opponent presents, that they did not change them (i.e., knowing that you play X deck, added 2 cards from the Side Deck to the Y Deck. But, after some thought, it is the same as trusting that your opponent de-Side Decked before the duel as well, so.....

I guess it really doesn't matter.

If the latest SJC is any indication, I think it's safe to say that the rules for the Side Deck in the TCG are the same as they've always been. All the Side Decks listed contain 15 cards (except one which accidentally lists 16) and none of them contain any Fusion or Synchro Monsters.
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