Skill Drain


New Member
My Skill Drain Deck is one of a kind in my University, I've defeated countless other Skill Drain Decks to earn the Skill Drain title.

Monsters: 18
Alien Grey-2
Exiled Force-1
Destiny Hero-Dasher-1
Goblin Elite Attack Force-2
Chainsaw Insect-2
Majestic Mech-Ohka-2
Fusilier Dragon-The Dual Mode Beast-3

Spell: 12
Graceful Charity-1
Monster Gate-2
Nobleman of Crossout-1
Enemy Controller-2
Mystical Space Typhoon-1
Premature Burial-1

Traps: 11
Skill Drain-3
Widespread Ruin-1
Sakaretsu Armor-1
Fake Trap-1
Dust Tornado-1
Acid Trap Hole-1
Forced Back-1
Judgement of Anubis-1
Seven tools of the Bandit-1

Side Deck: 15
Destiny hero-Defender-2
Zombyra the Dark-2
Goblin Attack Force-2
Indomitable Fighter-LeiLei-2
Fake Trap-1
Final Attack Orders-2
Forced Back-1
Bait Doll-1
Majestic Mech-Goryou-1

This is my Skill Drain Deck. It is the only Skill Drain deck in my Gaming Syndicate that has not been defeated by another Skill Drain Deck.
How... interesting. Yes, I would say it's a "one of a kind" for the deck type. Especially so when you have Kuriboh, Newdoria and Alien Grey. I'm sure your opponent won't see it coming.

...No, seriously. What are those three doing in a Skill Drain deck??
I understand why "Newdoria" is there and maybe "Kuriboh" since both effects work with "Skill Drain" but "Alien Grey" I don´t know why is there =s