guess what?
so i just get this e-mail about the sneak peak new promo card and i think its pretty good but only for a six samurai deck here's the e-mail:
and here's the new promo monster:Hi everyone!
In addition to the judge contest that Alex just posted about, we have some more
exciting news about the Strike of Neos sneak preview.
A preview of the sneak preview card just went up on the official Yu-Gi-Oh! site.
Here's a link:
Please note that this card is limited in distribution for various legal reasons,
and sadly not every country's Sneak Preview will have the card available
(particularly in Europe). We are continuing to work to resolve those legal issues
for future events.
From the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! R&D team, we hope you enjoy reading about the Grandmaster
of the Six Samurai.
Kevin Tewart / Dan Scheidegger / Justin Reilly
UDE Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Team
Upper Deck Entertainment
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
5 star
2100 atk
800 def (thats what it looks like to me)
While you control a face-up "Six Samurai" monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card effect, add 1 "Six Samurai" monster from your Graveyard to your hand.