So run this by me again...

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Gold Member
1) Why am I not allowed to listen to music whilst dueling at tournaments? I mean, if I ask my opponent his permission and he doesn't mind shouldn't it be ok?

2) Are organizers allowed to play music in the background with loud speakers?

3) Am I allowed to film a duel if I'm not involved in it?
Xeno said:
1) Why am I not allowed to listen to music whilst dueling at tournaments? I mean, if I ask my opponent his permission and he doesn't mind shouldn't it be ok?

2) Are organizers allowed to play music in the background with loud speakers?

3) Am I allowed to film a duel if I'm not involved in it?
1. "Hey buddy, it's your move!!" "Hey, can you hear me???" "It's your move!!!!"

While you may believe that you can concentrate on the your music, the game, as well as your opponent, it only takes that one instance of, "I'm sorry, I didnt hear you say you tributed that card for Jinzo. I meant to activate Call of the Haunted first" to throw the game into confusion.

It also presents a issue for stalling, claiming you missed hearing something.

2. There's already enough background noise. In order to hear the music to where it would be more than just unintelligible sound, it would more than likely have to be louder than necessary. Someone WOULD complain.

3. I would say no, because there's no way of knowing if you are actually filming it for the actually Dueling Experience, or to share with your buddies on rival decks.
As far as three goes, I would think it depended on the legitmacy of the film. Is it just a couple a kids with a camera phone? Or is it a group of people maybe puting together some news footage for a cable acces show r online news type thing? It all might depend on the hosts for the event and thier viewpoints.
As far as listening devices, not only do most judges consider it rude but there is no way to verify at any given time that the device isn't connected to other devices.
I know of shops that will not allow you to do this.

Many of us listen to music and when we play against each other (friends) in tournaments. Knowing the obiouse play and pointing a lot helps. I won a $100 tournament yesterday and wore head phones had no problems.

I would not suggest using head phones, in regionals or at new stores. Sometimes I put them on in regionals when people try to ask me ruling questions, or the other guy tries to talk to me to much / be rude. I don't turn on the music just make it look like I am. : )

It is a fine line, when we play test we listen to music crank out the duels as fast as we can test things out.
It's not a fine line at a major tournament. No judge I've ever worked with at a major tournament has allowed them, not once in 4 years. This shouldn't come as a surprise any longer.
It's not a suprise, I was just curious as to the reasons is all. Thanks for the explainations, they make sense.

But "between you and me" as they say, do people really try to cheat using electric devices?
Can you imagine how easy it would be to have your cellphone with MP3 files playing music and a buddy standing somewhere behind your opponent with a similar phone and headset "listening to tunes" or relaying to you exactly what your opponent has in his hand and what he is setting?
With digital cameras betcha they do. If they're willing to go to that extent why would they stop there?

A judge's job is to eliminate even possibilities of cheating. A listening device is not an necessary item to completing a match, therefore, it belongs no where close to a player at the time of a match.
:) Yes, it is, public nudity is not allowed and is an unlawful offense in most states (consult local codes and by-laws for your area) Therefore, clothing must be worn during regulation matches. If you choose to run a tournament otherwise I think you'll have trouble getting it sanctioned, then of course, you can have whatever rules you wish.
John Danker said:
It's not a fine line at a major tournament. No judge I've ever worked with at a major tournament has allowed them, not once in 4 years. This shouldn't come as a surprise any longer.

What do you consider major?
Seattle SJC? US Nationals?

Headphones wore in all.

Yes people do cheat, yes that is very sad. Maybe it needs to be put in the policies or something. Some tournaments (SJC, Regionals), they tell you turn off your cell phones to stop people texting and calling in the middle of your match, etc...

Just beacuse you are listening to music doesn't mean you are cheating. US Nats, there was so MUCH signaling happening. Why do you think that major plays hold there hands closer, and do the 'poker check'.

If it is a matter of noise reduction, bring your ear plugs, they are next to my headphones just in case.
LOL. But I guess we are getting of the topic.

Never been to a tournament, but looks at least annoying to me, an opponent who is not/late reacting.

Therefore I think that rule that judges handle now about such things is OK.
TheOne said:
What do you consider major?
Seattle SJC? US Nationals?.

Regional tournaments
World Championships

I've judged at all of them. In every single one that I've judged at anyone who used headsets of any type were required to remove them if they were seen by a judge doing so. That's not to say that people didn't do it, they obviously did. This is at the tournaments I worked at, what tournaments you attended and if they saw differently I can't say. I can certainly give you a list of judges you'll recognize that will not now nor will ever stand for it for the reasons I've listed....and these are the judges you'll see at a grand majority of major events.

Regardless of weather you think it right or wrong...and of course you're entitled to your opinion, expect to be asked to remove them.
ive had opponents show up high, is that legal?

lol, seriously too, it was fun.

but really at the small tourney we have every week the store owner has music playing in the background and everybody enjoys it, its good fun :D

but yea from what i heard some events its a big no no to be listening to music, heck they even tell you to turn off your cell phones during games and if you use it you have to be out side of the vecinity in order to use it.
<nodding> During the nationals this year myself and one other judge were assigned to do nothing BUT watch over the crowd during the top 8 for cell phones, hand signals, etc. etc.
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