Solomon's Lawbook


New Member
I was thinking about making a deck based on the Solomon's Lawbook and other cards with insane costs that require to be paid during the Standby Phase.
Would you please tell me which cards can be used in this type of deck?
There's always good ole Mirror Wall. You could make a sort of OTK using things like Mirror Wall, Ojama Trio, Stone Statue of the Aztecs, Asura Priest, Final Attack Orders, Staunch Defender, etc.

If you really wanted to toy with your opponent you could use Solomon's Lawbook with a Dark Snake Syndrome/Des Wombat deck. Mess with them by saying, "Not quite" should they attempt to say GG after you've thrashed them with Syndrome. No real purpose though unless you're fond of overkill.

There's also the concept of making a book deck for casual play. Use things somehow related to books or literature. Such things would include: Solomon's Lawbook, Book of Moon, Book of Taiyou, Book of Life, Royal Magical Library, etc.