Special Summoning question


New Member
Here's something that came up yesterday in a game with my friends.

A friend of mine used Horus Lv 6 to bring out Lv 8...

Horus the black flame dragon lv8 can only be special summoned with Lv6

My other friend brought out a Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning ...each of their effects have different wording, but to me say the same thing.

Horus lv8 can't be brought out except for Lv6's effect

BLS can only be special summoned by a light and dark monster being removed from the graveyard.

there was an argument where BLS can be special summoned from the graveyard if it's summoned properly, but Horus Lv8 can't be. Why is this, if the wording on the cards is basically the same. And another question is, if BLS/Chaos Sorcerer/Chaos Emperor Dragon or Horus Lv8 were removed from play, will Return from Different Dimension work to bring them out, if it's also a special summon?
The wording is not the same:

Horus says specifically that "It cannot be special summoned "¦" so it cannot be special summoned fromt he graveyard

BLS does not say that. It may be special summoned if it is first summoned properly because it does not say that it can't be special summoned.
but BLS says "This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play." That says to me thats the only way to special summon it, period. I would think anyway
eh..alrighty then lol so basically.... if it says "except" you can't bring it anyother way if it does...if it says "can only be brought out...." then you can only bring it back from the dead if it was brought out correctly
you're right, but also, importantly, Horus LV 8 is a NOMI monster, meaning that you can only Special Summon him via Horus LV 6 and Level Up!, and even if you do so, he cannot be recurred if he is destroyed.
