Spellcaster help plz!


New Member
well I want to build a Spellcaster deck that can make like a whole butt load of Spell counters and uses them very well.. I'm kinda a n00b at this so I was kinda hoping if anybody new a good build for a pure spellcaster deck! Here' wat I have now..
Monsters: 12 ( I no.. :( )
1 Dark Eradicator Warlock
3 Dark Magician
1x Skilled Dark Magician
1x Rapid Fire Magicain
2x Blast Magician
1x Asura Preist
1x Injection Fairy Lily
1x Banisher of the Light
1x Breaker the Magical warrior

2x Misfortune
2x Fissure
2x Magical Dimension
1x Fairy Metor Crush
1x Giant Turnade
1x Dark Magic Attack
1x Exchange
1x Mask of Dispel
1x Soul Absorption

2x Enchanted Javlien
2x Pitch Black power stone
1x Trap hole
2x skull Lair
1x Magic Drain
1x Birthright
1x Spellbinding circle..

u see it's not even 40 cards.. this deck is a mess could someone plz help me..
try 3 skilled dark magacian, magical marionette,and you could always use the apprentice magacian and old vindictive magacian combo to help with monster destruction, probally gonna need heavy storm, premature burial, mst, snatch steal, nobleman of crossout in your spell line up, for the traps, mirror force, torrential tribute, ring of destruction and breaker the magical warrior is banned on the advanced format list.
add some of these for wat I got now?? I had 3 old vindictive in the deck but they were lost somehow.. I no he's banned but thats all I really have..
I suggest you buy SD6 - Spellcasters' Judgement.

Some cards which you might want to consider are:

Gemini Elf
Maha Vailo
Chaos Command Magician
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Dark Magician of Chaos
Peten the Dark Clown
Mystical Space Typhoon
Lightning Vortex
Nobleman of Crossout
Heavy Storm
Mage Power
Diffusion Wave-Motion

Of course there are dozens more.

You don't really have a "win-strategy" here, nor are there many comboes that don't require exactly two cards from your deck. You need to work on that.
I was going to wen I came upon some money.. :D ya so wat should I take out for some of these cards.. I have 6 spots open I guess that will be:
Mystical Space Typhoon
Lightning Vortex
Nobleman of Crossout
Heavy Storm
Mage Power
Diffusion Wave-Motion

And I could take out the Orc and Asura Priset for:
Chaos Command Magician
Mythical Beast Cerberus

The one thing I don't get is y Maho Vailo?? There isn't very many equip cards in the deck other than Snatch and Premature Burial.. and I took out the Giant turnade and the Fairy Meteor Crush for a snatch and a heavy storm..
Because you might make it an equip based Spellcaster deck, though that would just be dumb.

Are you going for Beatdown, Dark Magician+Extremely High Attacks, Burn, etc.?

Remember that if you use Diffusion Wave-Motion you need to use several high-levelled monsters.

Another card you might want to consider is Magicians Unite (Activate only if you control 2 or more face-up Attack Position Spellcaster-Type monsters; select 1 of them. The ATK of the selected monster becomes 3000 until the end of this turn. Spellcaster-Type monster(s) you control cannot attack this turn, except the selected monster.).

Bolded cards are suggested to be taken out.

1 Dark Eradicator Warlock
3 Dark Magician
1x Skilled Dark Magician
1x Rapid-Fire Magician
2x Blast Magician
1x Asura Priest
1x Injection Fairy Lily (doesn't synergize)
1x Banisher of the Light (doesn't synergize)
1x Breaker the Magical warrior (banned)

2x Misfortune (not too good - Magical Explosion?)
2x Fissure (there are better cards)
2x Magical Dimension
1x Fairy Metor Crush (Big Bang Shot)
1x Giant Trunade
1x Dark Magic Attack
1x Exchange (makes things worse for you)
1x Mask of Dispel (situational... not too good, either)
1x Soul Absorption (doesn't synergize)

2x Enchanted Javelin (Draining Shield)
2x Pitch-Black power stone
1x Trap hole
2x skull Lair
1x Magic Drain
1x Birthright (Call of the haunted)
1x Spellbinding circle (Nightmare Wheel)
achient rules. reason 3 dark magicians I add 2 for your three.
if you use gemini elf, add in 2 birthrights they like call but for normal monsters. I don't run just 1 type based decks. I like to make it run fast and able to get out my big monsters. If you like to run with addvanced ritual art you can get monsters that are same level as dark magician to pull him in graveyard faster for a birthright or dark magician girl. spell casters has alot of varity to make them really good.
well let's see.. if I take out and sub everything that u guys have said I would still have 10 spots
+2 Birthwrghts/2 Call of the Haunted
+2 Gemini Elf/ 2 Old vindictive..
aggressive spellcasters need 3x magicians circle...
spell counter versions use things like apprentice magician, pitch black power stone and magical plant mandragola...breaker,dark magician girl, skilled dark and magical marionette put those counters to work...
i always like old vindictive, morphing jar and night assailant - i do miss MoF... sigh...
a real nice spellcaster combo is to use cybernetic magician's effect on injection fairy lily to bring her to 2000 atk then pump in damage for a 5000 hit, plus 2400 for cybernetic and usually thats gg....
if sky scourges start to get big , then chaos command magician will see a rise in popularity again...also note that apprentice can fetch hand of nepthys so sacred phoenix works well in spellcasters - even if not true to theme...hammershot & waboku anyone?
for whatever reason - maybe opponents panic into back row destruction... i've done better with a couple of wavemotion cannons in my spell caster decks...usually swap phoenix & cannons in/out of side deck...
kycoo the ghost destroyer does wonders against certain decks....a definite must...
there is a new spell... magicians unite i think.. looks good...
and, to add more thought provoking spellcasters...gravekeepers are all spellcasters, and mix in with most spellcaster support...
I like that Cybernetic Magicain Injection Fairy Lily combo!!! Thats cool.. so..

10 extra spots...
2x Cyberntic's
1x Fairy Lily
2x Wave Motion Cannon
3x Magician's Circle's
1x Hammer Shot
1x Waboku
and I guess if I'm running agressive I don't need Pitch black power stone so
+2 Phionex??
Why Wave-Motion? Consider, instead?:

Magical Blast (reusable fodder)
Magical Explosion

Not sure that one Hammer Shot or just one Waboku would make much of a difference.
magical blast deals 200 for each spellcaster on field..max 1000 dmg...one turn for wavemotion...do you really want to give up your draw to add magical blast to your hand?maybe to get a spell to activate & add counters to something...
the hammershot is to combo with your own sacred phoenix....sometimes its nice to hammer your phoenix....since there are times your opponent wont...think crystal beasts or skyscraper 2, even burn....
spellcasters tend to be pretty weak or pretty strong and not alot inbetween ( excepting gravekeepers) so waboku can keep them on field long enough to power up , tribute etc... as for how many of anything - it depends on your playstyle and what you tend to play against....
i was just trying to provoke some thought...there are a lot of directions to go with spellcasters...a player must decide for himself what suits him...one man's trash is another man's treasure....
and just to provoke a bit more thought... how about relinquished? he's a spellcaster too...an ole' fav...
Oh no, oh no, I meant as a discard for a cost thing XD

But he only has one Hammer Shot and on Waboku, that will last him about one turn each, provided he has ways to get it back, then maybe two or three turns.

Yes, yes, Relinquished. Fun card. Fun card.


*cough* Seems I've used the wrong account, again.
unless you run chiron the mage.. . or vs counter fairy...usually discard dosent need to be a spell - so why give up your regular draw..do you use reckless greed?? see much of drop off lately?? :D