Strategy Of Greed (needs a side-deck)

Mmm... 3 Greed and 3 Magical Thorn? That is 1 too much of each...
- 1 Greed
- 1 Magical Thorn
To help your Deck in case Sasuke, Mystic etc.:
+ 2 Desert Sunlight (read the rule of it to understand why)
The Bistro Butcher will I think won't use his effect that often, and is often more a threath for you then for your opponent I think.
- 3 The Bistro Butcher
Put in some high defense monster...
+ 2 Stone Statue of the Aztecs (?) (whatever you prefer)
And some security, like
+ 2 Level Limit - Area B

Maybe even Pot of Avarice...

EDIT: oh boy... sorry... didn't read that good... ignore this
Occasus_Tenshi said:
Actualy I liked the Bistro+Greed combo... Why the ol' butchers would be a prob? :haveaday_

Because you need some security for the other cards, but since Bistro Butcher is level 4, you can't use LLAB because it blocks Bistro...
And I already said: ignore it...
Drayon said:
Can someone help me with a side-deck or what?? no need to fix the the deck, only need a side-deck.
We could make this a conversion deck to please A. Ever thought of Shien's Spy and Creature Swap to give the opponent your Bistro and Sasuke, then ram Nimble Momongas into them? You know, allow the sidedeck to change this deck from burn to draw power.


Creature Swap x2
Mystic Box x2
Shien's Spy x2
Nimble Momonga x3
Level Limit - Area B x2
Giant Kozaky x2
Ameba x2
Drayon said:
ok that's a nice idea ;) ( what is a conversion deck?:embarasse :confused_)

It's a deck in wich by removing/adding your hole side deck (15 cards) you change the hole strategy of it and partialy it's theme ^_^

PS. You can check my conversion decks in my sig for reference :haveaday_

EDIT: Jason, mate, thats the 3rd butt in point I've taken from you in 'bout what, 10 minutes? I mean... huh?
Ok thanks for telling me what conversion deck is :)

Any one has more ideas?? And what cards should i take out when i make the conversion ?
ok...but that's only 12 cards that's going out...

Someone have any else ideas on a side-deck to this deck?(ideas to a conversion side-deck plz ;) )
ya, the official ban list for April 1st IS out, and Cyber Jar IS banned.. but Gracefull Charity and Mirror Force are coming back... I think graceful coming back will help this out as the opponent will definitely be running it ya know...