Summoner of Illusions VS Fiend Skull Dragon


New Member
Summoner of Illusions special summons a fusion monsters who gets destroyed at the end of the turn. And Fiend Skull Dragon negates flip effects...

There was a ruling estabilishing that Fiend Skull Dragon isn't destroyed at the end of the turn if he was summoned by the effect of Summoner of Illusions, 'cause he negates that effect. But now:

1) That ruling no longer exists in card registry.
2) A ruling about Skill Drain and Summoner of Illusions says:

[Re: Skill Drain] "Skill Drain" will not affect lingering effects or conditions that are left over from a previous effect. For example, if you Special Summon a Fusion Monster with "Summoner of Illusions", and then "Skill Drain" is activated afterwards, the Fusion Monster is still destroyed in the End Phase. If you Special Summon a Fusion Monster with "Magical Scientist", and then "Skill Drain" is activated, the Fusion Monster cannot attack your opponent's Life Points directly, and is returned to the Fusion Deck at the end of the turn.

Looks like this situation is very similar to this one I'm considering, but we have Skill Drain instead of Fiend Skull Dragon, and the effect of Summoner of Illusions ISN'T NEGATED IN THIS SITUATION.
3) An effect cannot be activated during the resolution of another effect, for example a Jinzo flipped face-up by Ceasefire won't negate Ceasefire itself, so I believe Fiend Skull Dragon cannot negate the second part of the effect of Summoner of Illusion when he is summoned. And he cannot negate the same effect even later, like a Jinzo cannot negate a Waboku if it is activated before summoning Jinzo.

Considering all these, would actually Fiend Skull Dragon negate the destruction effect of Summoner of Illusions?
Ah, really? Sorry, I believed this could be a long and hard ruling fight against UDE...instead you've answered very quickly to my long, long, long question!

Sorry, I didn't know...
so why there was until not long ago that ruling?
on puppiy(the japanese ronin) the ruling that says that fiend skull is not destroyed at the end of the turn is still valid...
But considering that the ruling has been removed from type on the official page, and on puppiy (according to NLFW), is there a chance that this ruling is under revision?

Even Kenjiblade, in the link Daguy~ provided, mentioned that this was an old ruling. While we might be currently ruling Fiend Skull Dragon as negating the effect, it smells suspiciously like there is a change in the winds.
squid said:
But considering that the ruling has been removed from type on the official page, and on puppiy (according to NLFW), is there a chance that this ruling is under revision?

Even Kenjiblade, in the link Daguy~ provided, mentioned that this was an old ruling. While we might be currently ruling Fiend Skull Dragon as negating the effect, it smells suspiciously like there is a change in the winds.

It was not on the official FAQ as of the time the other thread was created; it's absence is of no significance.
It's absence is of no significance? I'm finding that a difficult pill to swallow. If it was a normal monster then I could see not putting rulings up on the FAQ, however, a monster with such a debated effect SHOULD be on the FAQ so as to have a definitive answer to the questions surrounding it. It's absence IS of significance.
Not to sound cold, but, it really doesn't matter if it's still a rule in Japan or not. There hasn't ever really been any consistancy between the meta there and the rest of the world.
Well, while you'll never see it in the FAQ around UDE or anything, but the ruling that Fairy King Tuesdale must be in DEF position to get its effect is long standing.
NLFW said:
wait a minute, I said that on puppiy the ruling still only has been removed from non-japanese rulings...
sorry, chief. Didn't mean to misquote you. But, if the ruling exists, still in print, in Japanese rules, why remove it from the non-Japanese rulings?

I think its absence is of significance. No, it doesn't change the way Fiend Skull Dragon must be ruled at this time, but it could indicate a Shift in the wind, so to speak.

Digital: There may not have existed any consistency in the past, but we do have to acknowledge that some consistency has been brought forward, as in the revised ruling effect of Dark Necrofear or Troop Dragon.

Dillie-O: Dont give me a headache! Its too early :p. How hard is it to update the FAQ to reflect a ruling that they themselves made, and was approved by Konami? (it was approved, wasn't it?) *gack!*

I know, I know. Im just blowing a bunch of smoke, really. There is no reason to try and predict changes without some proof (which I obviously don't have). So, I apologize for getting everyone's shorts in a twist :D