swords and magic reflector


New Member
if swords of reveiling light is on my side of the feild and it has a counter on it from magic reflector i was wondering if after the third turn if swords would stay on the feild and the counter would be destroyed instead leaving swords to stay on the feild until it is destroyed by another card affect.
Neros said:
if swords of reveiling light is on my side of the feild and it has a counter on it from Magic Reflector i was wondering if after the third turn if swords would stay on the feild and the counter would be destroyed instead leaving swords to stay on the feild until it is destroyed by another card affect.
It will still be destroyed. The Reasoning behind it is probably because it's a Normal Spell and it's card text states it remains on the field for 3 of your opponents turns.
This makes perfect sense to me, however I can see where this can get confusing, as UDE ruled in June that Swords of Revealing Light actually destories itself after the thrid turn. Personally, I think that it would be simpler to restore the old rule that swords similpy cease to exist after the thrid turn.
It destroys itself by the same game mechanic that destroys other normal spells. Reflector doesn't stop cards from being destroyed by game mechanics.
Manta said:
It destroys itself by the same game mechanic that destroys other normal spells. Reflector doesn't stop cards from being destroyed by game mechanics.

It doesn't destroy it self my the game mechanic as other normal spell cards he destroys him self. That is the reason why you can play Giant Turnade on it.

Exception: Because "Swords of Revealing Light" is destroyed by its effect, rather than by the game mechanics, it can be returned to the hand or Deck before it is destroyed by its effect.
chaosruler said:
You just said that it is indeed destroyed by its effect, but it isn't ever destroyed by it's effect, it's destroyed by game mechanics

I think you may have misread the quote, or misunderstood it. That quote is direct from the UDE Advanced FAQ. And it CLEARLY states that SoRL is destroyed by it's effect, NOT by the normal Game Mechanics.

It doesn't change the issue at hand, but I just wanted to double clarify that point...:D
I think there is a misunderstanding here. Magic Reflector's counter prevents destruction of Spell Cards by card effects. This is why a counter placed on a Field Spell Card will not keep it from being destroyed by the activation of another Field Spell Card.

Let me also point out that Swords of Revealing Light will not be saved by a counter from Magic Reflector because Swords of Revealing Light does not destroy itself at the end of three turns. It simply stays on the field for three turns and then is sent to the Graveyard. It's different from Swords of Concealing Light which very clearly destroys itself.