tailor of the fickle


New Member
my scenerio is
player A (turn player) has player B's jinzo which he aquired with snatch steal
player A activate's book of moon on jinzo, then chains tailor of the fickle to take control of player B's face up cyber dragon.

my question is what happens to jinzo thanks

tailor of the fickle switch one equip card equipped to a monster to another correct target thanks for the help,, i ve been playtesting tailor of the fickle
Build the chain and resolve it.

Link 1 "Book of Moon"
Link 2 "Tailor of the Fickle".
Nothing else added, resolve.
"Tailor of the Fickle" equips "Snatch Steal" to Player B's "Cyber Dragon".
Now, since "Snatch Steal" is no longer equipped to "Jinzo", he will automatically be returned to Player B BEFORE "Book of Moon" resolves.
"Book of Moon" resolves and "Jinzo" is now flipped face down.

The end result. "Jinzo" is now face down on Player B's side of the field and "Snatch Steal" is equipped to "Cyber Dragon", which is now on Player A's side of the field. "Tailor of the Fickle" was wasted IMHO as this did not produce the desired effect of being able to keep both "Jinzo" AND the "Cyber Dragon" under Player A's control.
But would the situation have been different if Player A activated Tailor of the Fickle and then chained Book of Moon to it's activation and target Jinzo.

My interpretation would have been:
Chain Link 1: Tailor of the Fickle
Chain Link 2: Book of Moon

Chain Link 2: Book of Moon flips Jinzo face down
Chain Link 1: Tailor of the Fickle resolves and targets opponent's Cyber Dragon.

Now the player has BOTH monsters on his side of the field- a face up Cyber Dragon and a face down Jinzo. Or did I miss something?
Entropy said:
No. When Jinzo is flipped face-down, Snatch Steal is destroyed after resolution. Tailor the Fickle would lose its target.

I don't think so...the chain hasn't resolved yet so Snatch Steal can be switched for the effect of Tailor of the Fickle. Anyone else?
HorusMaster said:
I don't think so...the chain hasn't resolved yet so Snatch Steal can be switched for the effect of Tailor of the Fickle. Anyone else?
When equips lose their target that they're equipped to, they automatically are destroyed via game mechanics. Snatch would be in the Graveyard at this point and Tailor of the Fickle would resolve without effect.