Team Theme

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How about we just name ourselves after cog in some way.

Nation of gamers

We could have all new members recite our pledge of allegience.

I pledge alleigiance to the team called the Nation of Gamers, and to the ideals for which it stands, One nation, open-minded, indivisible, with originality and fairness for all.

Sounds nice dont it.
Well as it stands lets see who we can say are able to join so far.....

Digital Jedi
Darklogicianofchaos aka zaph to all us guys in the know ;)
Maruno can be our mascot until he can do more
Blackscorp - suporter
Tiso...... Tiso you do fit the bill for the kind of duelist this kind of team should represent but you are quite hotheaded at times. Try to cut back on that.
EmeraldDragon said:
Well as it stands lets see who we can say are able to join so far.....

I wouldnt go so far as to say I would be part of a team, but I would be willing to be associated with the concept of being original (see earlier post). Even to the point of wearing a t-shirt with a specific logo/statement on it.
Now, Emerald.... first, you forgot "Team Paragon", second, you spilled beans all over me, third....that's funny, calling Tiso hot-headed despite the stereo-type--lol.

Distance problems: That's why I was suggesting Branches, headquartered in Ireland. There can be the UK branch, US branch, AR branch, etc. Then, within states, provinces, etc. each area can start it's own network, gaining supporters and starting a new wave of anti-cookie duelists.

People will start to feel inadiquate for leaning on the cookie cutters. Their dueling skills will be called into question just being in the presence of the this rag-tag group of free thinkers, without a word even being spoken. We shall begin to hear at tournaments: "How did you do?" "Well, I won the tournament....but I used a cookie cutter deck." "Ooohh, sorry man." "Yeah, too bad it couldn't be an honest victory." "Yeah, man, bummer."

This is our victory! This is our Clarion Call! Death to CC!
Excellent we are already all going wild for this idea.

Well for all those that wanna join lets ut it like this..... Send a pm with a specific request to join and add either a deckilst or a link to your main decklist.

When we have a decent amount of members we can start distributing power.

Basic plan.......

We get a strong group of people that HATE or at least dislike using CC decks. When we have members from each area ie a european head a north american head a south... etc we can start subdividing power.

In europe for example we have heads for each country and in the states for example a head for each state.

New members must submit a deck to a state or country head who show it to the rest of the heads in the region and if they all agree well 51% or higher agree then the new member is accepted.

If a member comes under review by utting the name of the group into disrepute then his case will be decided by his own regional grop ie the state or country heads. then just to be completely fair the member can appeal the ecision if that is required and can go to the "main council" if you will. If they decide that the person cant be a member anymore then adios baby.

Each state or country head shall have contact details for all members in the state or country. Each region head will have all the contacts details for the region. That way if there are complaints about certain people or anything they can be made to either the state or country head or even the region head. Either could contact the parties involved directly and get full details for speaking with the council at his/her level be that regional or main. Also with the contact details we can contact people directly with new about events going on in certain areas or even any news worth telling about the group.

Some might say all i want is power with these kind of ideas but lets look at it like this.....

When we have at least 2 peole from each region the council of heroes here will decide who is best suited for the job. Ya know, someone that seems impartial enough to make decisions if needs be. That sounds fair to me.
It also sounds like im going overboard but hey if it works then it works.

Bao you can be the PR guy i guess. Puerto Rico and Public Relations. You get the best team name ideas so far start a poll for them and lets see what we have.
I still worry that the whole 'organised team' thing is getting too bureaucratic/unwieldy. Nobody can force anyone to not wear a 'official team t-shirt'. All that can be done is to ostracise the person, and tell other people that we are not associated with them...

I suggest instead that we just have a name, a t-shirt design downloadable from this site, and if anyone feels strongly enough that they support the idea of non-CC decks in tournements; that they download the design, print the t-shirt and turn up at a tournement wearing the said shirt. If anyone else is wearing the same design shirt, go over and talk to them. Try and convert others to your idea, but mostly point them to COG- they just need to see that people behave respectfully to each other , as well as having a love of the game (and how the game is played)

I dont think that we need to do more than that. Let the team idea grow slowly, and dont strangle it at birth with red tape.
Thats the problem with me. I like to do things the hard way :p

Anyway the thing about a central council wouldnt be so much for chastising rogue members it would be more for making sure the group is unified.

Say a certain amount of members are demo team members. We can inform them of events that they can demo at that they might not know about. We could go to tournament organisers on their behalf (once we are well known enough) we could even use any tournament organiser members by having them give full details well in advance of a tournament so we can give demo members the opportunity.

Also for judges. We can organise getting experience for some of our members with a judges qualification by giving them the opportunity to judge at events run by members of at events in which we ask the to on their behalf.

The reason for entry requirements is simple. If anyone can join then members of the major teams can come along and bring the group into disrepute before we even have a chance to set up. maybe its just me but i dont trust certain well known groups. We only have a couple in ireland but a lot of their higher ranked players are very ignorant of others and seem to go out of their way to make people feel bad when they mop the floor with them in a duel. Whos to say they wouldnt don our "Downloadable merchandise" and make a mockery of us by pretending to be a member of a group that does not support their playing style.

Even if that werent to happen the other thing is that if anyone can just say i wanna be a member then anyone and everyone would and it would grow far too fast and be crushed by its own weight and be forgotten before the group makes any lasting impression on the tournament scene.
Are the plans for this still going to go ahead???

EmeraldDragon said:
forgotten before the group makes any lasting impression on the tournament scene.
I'm confident that we will do
Yes barty its still going ahead. im trying to sort out some details which i will inevitably discuss with someone else that has more xperience planning such an undertaking and when its all finished it will be unveiled to the masses. Until then pm me some decklists and i will see how original you are and sort out some form of basic team structure. You should also tell me your age and number of years playing and general location. Like city and state. no need to do full adresses.
EmeraldDragon said:
pm me some decklists and i will see how original you are and sort out some form of basic team structure. You should also tell me your age and number of years playing and general location. Like city and state.
would this be everyone in the team???
Yes. Its so we can keep track of all members and send details of any upcoming events in the nearby areas to them as and when they occur.
Well PM me the info im looking for and you might be able to get in on it. Just gotta see what level of original thinking you have.
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