The chimera deck.

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New Member
Long have I searched for the deck of legends, but this morning I believe that I have seen it. I played on YVD and I was handed defeat most soundly in both duels. I was defeated in less than two turns in both duels ( one of them was actually a OTK ). He said he will be dueling in in the phillidelphia SJC. You will know him when you see him, and you will see him.
Moved from Rules Section (YGO) to General Discussion (YGO), though I'm not sure if it even belongs anywhere. Kogas... what are you talking about?
i thought that was case with the demise/hero deck, but for me it was too unstable-very inconsistant- way too many dead draws...i could never get reliable hands... the insect version (s) seem better tho' i haven't tried onr as now that you have whetted our curiosity - any teasers??
Yes, I spoke as if I was mad, at the time what I witnessed seemed unreal. My apologies on the erroneous post. I speak of the deak which has no equal.

As far as whetting your appetite, that is about all I can do. The match only lasted a few turns, so I hardly saw any of the deck ( hold on let me find those transcripts ). Ironically he used an armeggedon deck, but it moved faster and more coherently than any I have seen. He used Iron blacksmith kotetsu for one thing, and premature burial along with it. This gave him a more guaranteed chance on pulling out some sort of powerful monster to go along with demise when it came time for the otk. He used an insect build, but since I only saw a few cards I have no idea what made it run more smoothly than others, but there were certainly no dead draws. I would like to duel him again, I have no doubt he did well at the SJC.
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