the final countdown!!!


New Member
hey guys this is my newest deck. i need a couple of fixes and suggestions on it i havent play tested it yet... this is just the deck list. tell me what u think

3* Destiny Hero - Defender
3* charcoal impachi
3* Battle Footballer
2* Soul Tiger
2* exiled force
1* spirit reaper
1* mask of darkness
1* magician of faith
1* mobius the frost monarch
1* sangan

3* final countdown
2* chorus of the sanctuary
2* shallow grave
1* card destruction
1* swords of revealing light
1* Level Limit - Area B
1* Mystical Space Typhoon
1* vengeful bog spirit
1* messenger of the peace
1* heavy storm
1* graceful charity

3* pyro clock of destiny
3* negate attack
1* solemn wishes
1* gravity bind
1* torrential tribute
1* dust tornado
1* magic drain
1* mask of restrict
Nightmare Steelcage
Nimble Momonga

What are 3 cards I think you should find room for?

[/The Great Karnak]
Final Whaa?

I don't know about this one. It seems you just threw together any stall card to stop the opponent by any means just so you can try and hold out for 20. It's simple, it might work, but the deck's synergies don't work together, I think I'll give you a few suggestions.

My thoughts are that you need to-
*Keep abuse with Pyro Clock of Destiny
*Abuse Final Countdown's weakness
*Keep decent stall cards

-3 Destiny Hero - Defender
-3 Charcoal Inpachi
-3 Battle Footballer
-2 Chorus of Sanctuary
-2 The Shallow Grave
-1 card destruction
-1 Level Limit - Area B
-1 vengeful bog spirit
-3 negate attack
-1 solemn wishes
-1 mask of restrict

+3 Nimble Momonga
+2 Spell Economics
+3 Brain Control
+1 Premature Burial
+1 Confiscation
+1 Nightmare's Steelcage
+1 Guardian Sphinx
+1 Total Defense Shogun
+1 My Body as a Shield
+1 Dark Magician of Chaos
+1 Blockman

Those are some ideas for ya.
alright i liked some of the ideas heres a fix i did on the deck

monsters 20
3* Nimble Momonga
2* Battle Footballer
3* Destiny Hero - Defender
2* charcoal impachi
2* exiled force
1* spirit reaper
1* mask of darkness
1* magician of faith
1* mobius the frost monarch
1* sangan
1* d.d. warrior lady
1* blockman
1* guardian sphinx

spells 13
3* final countdown
2* shallow grave
1* card destruction
1* swords of revealing light
1* Level Limit - Area B
1* messenger of the peace
1* heavy storm
1* graceful charity
1* Confiscation
1* Nightmare's Steelcage

traps 13
3* pyro clock of destiny
2* negate attack
1* solemn wishes
1* gravity bind
1* torrential tribute
2* dust tornado
2* magic drain
1* waboku

ill keep it at this for now until i get other cards i need
ill try this deck in play
Actually I disagree with running 3 Pyro Clocks as most of the time it will not be a worthwhile investment. 1 is enough. Why?

The 20 turn clock starts on your turn and ends on your opponent's turn. During this time he will have 10 chances with which to defeat you. If you get Pyro Clock off once, then you only have 19 turns to deal with... 10 of yours but only 9 of your opponents. However if you get the effect off twice, then you are dealing with 18 turns, 9 of yours and STILL 9 of your opponents. So that second activation does not help you win any faster in most realistic scenarios. You would need to get it off 3 times to see any benefits again.

Now I know you might be thinking, running 3 will help you get it off at least once. True, you increase the chance of getting 1 however, it really is a dead draw past that initial one. Basically that 1 is similar to having an extra Waboku/Threatening Roar in that getting one of those off will protect you for the most part for 1 of your opponent's turn. (In this case it's even better since you are denying them the turn altogether).

Also, Threatening Roar is a better choice than Negate Attack since it's chainable and not dependant upon an attack being declared.
I say run three pyro clocks T_T. WhY? well 20 turns IS 20 turns no matter when or whoms turn it is. You will never draw all three at the same time, so when you do draw them you could use them as bait for an MST or a Heavy storm. Since they are chainable, the could generate a 1/1 trade off rather than the 0/1. i also agree with the threatening roars idea. Chainability means alot.
What with the proliferation of continuous S/T cards out there (Wave Motion Cannons, stalls, etc.) there seems to be an increase of backfield destruction cards in use. Therefore, to maintain 10 of your opponent's turns, I would suggest using Magic Reflectors. Then you only need worry about Giant trunades. the premise of your deck, almost entirely resting on a 20 turn wait with one card needing to stay on the field, I hope you have a backup plan. I mean, F.I.N.A.L. doesn't take so much time.
You seem to be mistaken.

Final Countdown doesn't stay on the field. You pay the 2000 Life Points and it sets a state. Then you just stall out. That's it.
The great thing about the card. Once it successfully resolves, there's nothing your opponent can do about it, except kill you before twenty turns run out.

Personally, I feel Pyro Clock of Destiny shouldn't be used at all. It buys you a turn per se, but gains you no other advantage other then that. It's less versatile then your basic stall line-up, and more situational then most.

I agree with Jath. Stall is the key. Patience will get you your twnty turns. Accelerating it may only bring the end closer.
That was my point for running 1 Pyro Clock. If you get it, then Final Countdown will win you the match on your turn so that denies your opponent 1 more chance to beat you. It's more effective than replacing it with Waboku or Threatening Roar.
If you have them Gear Golem the Moving Fortress are 2200 defense and give you an alternate winning condition in that you can change position pay and attack directly. I 'd run 3 wabokus and 3 threatening roars that's 6 turns your opponent can't attack. chainable and activatible on the draw can exchange those for the negate attacks and the pyro's I'd trade the Heavy for Mystical space typhoon and giant trunade for the solemn Wishes you get life gain from the nimbles and the typhoon is more specific not blowing your protection. Giant trunade rocks cause even if they get decree down one turn sending it back to their hand makes them reset it and you can set your trap waboku or threatening and activate on there draw. also trunade resets your swords and nightmare steelcage very versatile in this format. with all the defense killers like drillroid you may need to work in Sakuretsu armor or some kind of kill. even better Ojama trio you can fill up their field in a hurry.

Lots of Ideas in this type of deck

for stalling you also have gyroid who has to be killed twice and gora turtles that stop 1900's from attacking all together. you might consider a few of the monsters that state if killed in battle it ends the opponents attack phase like The Unhappy Maiden, awesomely annoying when they have their Royal decree out and you can't activate the other stop or kill traps.

Hope you like some of my suggestions and that they help with ideas.
upgraded final countdown (9*24*2006)

it stil needs fixes but i liked some of the ideas i read and tried them out...any advice will be considered..updated

3* nimble momonga
3* unhappy maiden
3* gyroid
2* giant rat
2* gear golem of the moving fortress
2* exiled force
1* spirit reaper
1* mask of darkness
1* sangan
1* magician of faith

1* d.d warrior lady
1* guardian sphinx
1* breaker the magical warrior

3* final countdown
3* shallow grave
2* messenger of peace
1* graceful charity
1* swords of revealing light
1* level-limit area b
1* MST
1* scapegoat
1* giant trunade

3* pyro clock of destiny
3* waboku
3* threatening roar
2* magic drain
1* gravity bind
1* torrential tribute
50 card deck is a bit too much for a deck that relies on drawing 1 out of 3 cards... my suggestions would be:

-3 The Unhappy Maiden
+3 Giant Rat

The Unhappy Maiden only provides only turn stall, but still not going to be worthwhile, Giant Rat on the other hand, is capable of searching out Nimble Momonga, Exiled Force and Gear Golem the Moving Fortress, more better forms of stall than Maiden.

-1 Vengeful Bog Spirit
-2 The Shallow Grave
+3 Messenger of Peace

Stall for stall, although Messenger can stop aggressive forces which it would be painful for this deck to see... such as Zaborg and Hydrogeddons. Giant Rats mix in with Messenger of Peace obviously so you can still be aggressive with those if your alternate win condition of Final Countdown fails to arrive.

-2 Pyro Clock of Destiny
-2 Dust Tornado
-3 Waboku
-2 Threatening Roar
+2 Sakuretsu Armor/Bottomless Trap Hole

No point running Pyro Clock of Destiny in 3's I think, 1 can do, you don't want to end up with lots of potential dead-draws you can't protect yourself with at the start... also, it'll speed up Swords of Revealing Light which is vital for stall.
Dust Tornados I see no purpose... this deck is not very aggressive at all so clearly your opponent's Magic and Traps won't do a thing.
Wabokus and Threatening Roars... although they can stop multiple monsters... as long as the opponent does not see a Mirror Force in your graveyard, it is highly unlikely they will swarm, therefore the worse number of attacking monsters will probably be two at a time, unless they run free swarmers like Hydrogeddon. Sakuretsu Armors or Bottomless Trap Hole (depending on the local meta) will do better (or Mirror Force if you have one, just guessing you don't from the decklist).
for now i want to keep the maidens,the 3 pyro clocks just to test it in a couple of duels...

but i have had people here tell me to only run one pyro.. ive also thought running one pyro but ihavent tried the cards yet
i did add 2 messengers of peace