The Monarchs

Cyber twin king

New Member
Monsters: 22
2x raiza the storm monarch
2x thestalos the firestorm monarch
2x mobius the frost monarch
1x zaborg the thunder monarch
1x jinzo
1x dark dust spirit

1x dd warrior lady
2x mirage dragon
1x exiled force
2x leg. jujitsu master
1x spirit reaper
1x neo spacian grand mole
1x sangan
2x gravekeeper's spy
1x treeborn frog

2x enemy controller
1x premature burial
2x soul exchange
1x heavy storm
1x brain control
1x nobleman of crossout
1x snatch steal
1x scapegoat
1x pot of avarice
1x mystical space typhoon
1x book of moon

traps: 6
3x sakuretsu armor
1x ring of destruction
1x call of the haunted
1x torrential tribute
hi b
looks ok ... i think id prefer the nimble momongs to the hyenas.. same basic effect - but a lifepoint bonus to weather the tough times in a could even run both & a rat or two...( or was that a problem? ) and with 10 tributes... think about something to cycle some cards... morphing jar, card trader, reload, magical mallet, card destruction....just watch card trader & frog together...2 in 42 isnt really too much of a problem, unless your luck is like mine...they both end up in my opening hand :p
no cyberdragons... so special summons to get hand un clogged is a big deal... soul @ 2 , treeborn, 1 brain, hyenas, ( if nimbles go 2 brain & 1 soul) spys,
i'm guessing you dont have a mirror force? or pot? or spell striker?
there are times you'll prefer bottomless traphole to sak armor... like vs be sure your side deck has what you need for different matchups...
cuzwbd said:
hi b
looks ok ... i think id prefer the nimble momongs to the hyenas.. same basic effect - but a lifepoint bonus to weather the tough times in a could even run both & a rat or two...( or was that a problem? ) and with 10 tributes... think about something to cycle some cards... morphing jar, card trader, reload, magical mallet, card destruction....just watch card trader & frog together...2 in 42 isnt really too much of a problem, unless your luck is like mine...they both end up in my opening hand :p
no cyberdragons... so special summons to get hand un clogged is a big deal... soul @ 2 , treeborn, 1 brain, hyenas, ( if nimbles go 2 brain & 1 soul) spys,
i'm guessing you dont have a mirror force? or pot? or spell striker?
there are times you'll prefer bottomless traphole to sak armor... like vs be sure your side deck has what you need for different matchups...
edited, and i have 2 momongas, no mirror, and no spell striker :(