the most original deck ever



3 D. D. Assailant
2 Cyber Dragon
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
2 Spirit Reaper
2 Mystic Tomato
1 Newdoria
1 D. D. Warrior Lady
1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
1 Magician of Faith
1 D.D. Survivor
1 Don Zaloog
1 Sangan
1 Blade Knight
1 Chaos Sorcerer

2 Smashing Ground
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Swords of Revealing Light
2 Enemy Controller
1 Snatch Steal
1 Brain Control
1 Book of Moon
1 Premature Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Scapegoat

3 Dust Tornado
2 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted

J/K thats a net-deck of SJC chi-town winner see any think to help it.
Honestly I dont think there is any deck that is played that hasn't been net decked. Is there really such thing as unoriginal anymore?
Yes. I built a type-zero magic crusher / mill hybrid. That was original. I built a Fiber Jar 150TK (150 Turn Kill) deck, that would kill you in one hit, but on the 150th turn, or thereabout. THAT was original. There is such a thing, but this is not it. Can someone lock this?

Define original? We cannot even call a new deck original because someone down the line will eventually run the same cards as you do in their deck. People net deck. People bother to make these so called "original" Decks will be original in the sense that no one else is widely using it. People will use the same cards for different reasons. If you see a Breaker the Magical Warrior in a Machine-Type Deck, Water Deck, etc then you can safely draw your own conclusions on how original that is. I think original in Yu-Gi-Oh! is reserved for the few that actually try out cards a lot of people do not bother. When is the last time you saw someone use Question? When is the last time you saw someone use Monster Recovery? When is the last time you saw someone use Succubus Knight? While no Deck can be "original", there are Decks that are diversified enough to at least call it unique. Take for instance my Deck in my signature.

When do you think you will see Water Dragon being playable in a competitve setting? Almost never. However, I stick to it because its the main reason I like playing the game now-a-days. I never used Book of Moon until this Deck, not because I was a little late to the band wagon, but because I use it for a tactical advantage in the Deck. Book of Moon saves my Water Dragon from a Bottomless Trap Hole, helps Hydrogeddon destroy a monster easier, and other combos.

So back to the original post, I cannot say that Deck is original. Anyone can make that exact Deck, in fact most probably have.
Ok wtf why would you want my deck locked. Is it just because my deck pwnzorz yours?
No. It is because there is no suggestion we could make for this that we could not also make for the original deck. And because this offends me.

I really don't care if your offended so you have 2 choices you can say some thing nice about my deck or you can get out of my thread. *edited for language*
Ok. I'll say something nice. It's the best net deck I've ever seen. I'm impressed by it, really, it must have taken a lot of work to net deck this.

Also, since this thread is a deck thread, why not try an edit or two????

My thoughts:
-1 Chaos Sorceror
+1 Newdoria

I honestly never liked Chaos Sorceror. He's been a dead draw half of the times I've tried running him. He's usually just a dead card. Try the more control-happy Newdoria. It's a good mind game card.

i loike sorc over Newdoria because he is an auto 2-1 and auto 2-1 can never be bad.

this is true. However, I never seem to draw him when I have the light/dark needed. Cyber Dragon is always getting RFPed so that leaves like 2 Lights to hit my graveyard, and they get NoCed/DDWLed. Go figure. Just my judge luck there. XD
