the worst regional ever

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I thought I had it bad when I had to do a 180 person regional at the middle of a huge anime convention. The dealer room was shut down for a couple of hours, so people were lined up for when it reopened, and milling about right in the middle of my tables. No PA system so i was yelling instructions and fighting to be heard over the din of the crowd. I was also understaffed, I only had two floor judges besides of them was this newbie named Simon...wonder what ever became of him ;)
LOL, I wonder indeed. Well, not having a speaker system wasn't a huge problem as those who were at the event can attest that I project VERY well; others are quite pathetic in comparison actually.
I'd certainly have a talk with your TO, sounds like he set you up for failure and shirked his / her duties on numerous issues. While I realize you had a substitute TO, the normal one should have made sure that person was well prepared and well versed in their deserve "battle pay" for having to deal with what you did.
Holy (&)@*&#^$)@#* Batman, that was a fun regionals to run. =) I don't know how exactly I would have handled it myself but I wouldn't mind taking on that challenge. =) I've had the cops called to one of my events twice in the same day as well, along with a couple of DQs. =)
Wow, I've never seen one that bad before *Spine tingles as The spirit of Irony looks in my direction.*

Why do I get the feeling I should skip the weekends local Tourney?

yeah i was at the regionals and I say that it is the TO's fault because he was completely unprepared (speaker system and no clock) and we started the first round at 1:00pm
Exactly. Once the Round starts, all I need to do as a convenience, is Post a big white sheet of paper on the wall with a End Time.

Watches these days are pretty inexpensive, and since nearly everyone carries a Cell Phone, Time really isnt a issue. Being able to HEAR that time is called is, and I'm sure most players can appreciate when a Judge responds to their shouted request for a Ruling, just as much as WE appreciate when PLAYERS respond to our request to begin or halt a action when we are addressing a situation and noise gets to be just a little bit elevated, especially without a P.A. System.
Alex, if you need someone to discuss the details of the regionals and to bounce back ideas back and forth on how to improve things next time around, feel free to get in touch with me. I'd be more than happy to offer you some advice.
Phantom6 said:
You realize of course, You've doomed his next Regionals to end in a horrible brawl right?

I really hope duelists won't sink so low as to lose their cool and result to physical violence; and to avoid any possible bad juju or jinxes, I take back my fist fight comment.
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