Thought ruler archfiend vs icarus attack.


FaceBook User
Please i cannot find and official rulling about TRA i need to solve this situation, please respond. All the tijuana judges says that TRA can negate the effect of icarus, but the text on TRA says that can only protect 1 pyshic type monster and the information i search on internet says that TRA cannot negate because IA target 2 cards, Please can you say what its correct, I think that TRA cannot negate the text in the card its very explicit.
Please i cannot find and official rulling about TRA i need to solve this situation, please respond. All the tijuana judges says that TRA can negate the effect of icarus, but the text on TRA says that can only protect 1 pyshic type monster and the information i search on internet says that TRA cannot negate because IA target 2 cards, Please can you say what its correct, I think that TRA cannot negate the text in the card its very explicit.

The easiest aspect of why this doesn't negate is that TRA's effect is a spell speed 2 while Icarus Attack is a Spell speed 3. You cannot chain a spell speed 2 to a spell speed 3.
TRA's and IA are the same spell speed ( i refeer TRA's negate effect).

You are right. I was thinking of another card. I think the best reference you would have to support the fact the TRA cannot negate IA is in the rulings for Guard Mines.

"Guard Mines" can only be activated directly in Chain to an effect which targets one monster.[2][3] Thus, you cannot Chain "Guard Mines" to an effect like "Icarus Attack" or "Gladiator Beast Gyzarus" that targets multiple cards"

Since TRA can only negate the effect of a S/T card that targets ONE psychic type monster. IA targets two cards and as such, would not be negated by TRA.

Hope it helps.