Today I am going to review three underused but powerful cards that are unique to all other trap cards in the current metagame and how they can be deadly.
You see, each of these traps doesn't need to be set for a turn for the effect work as the effect activates from the graveyard, not on the field and they cannot be negated by Jinzo because once they are in the graveyard they are free from Jinzo's continous negating effect. There is also another benefit, you can destroy these traps your self if you choose to, although be careful of Kozaky's Self Destruct Device, don't think you want to be inflicting 1000 points of damage to yourself. All three of the cards can fall victim to Nobleman of Extermination since the cards are removed from play their effects cannot activate.
On the plus side, these traps are very worthy of consideration for a deck being built. A lot of players I come across normally set Mystical Space Typhoon and try to activate it on the turn you set a Spell/Trap. They will certainly regret doing that when they find out they have destroyed one of the above 3 and to boot have wasted a valuable card as well. Consider these for your decks in the current metagame, you never know how useful they can be.
Dark Coffin
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
When this face-down card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, your opponent must select and execute 1 of the following effects:
"¢Discard 1 card in his/her hand at random.
"¢Select 1 monster on his/her side of the field and destroy it.
Statue of the Wicked
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
When this card is destroyed and send to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "wicked Token" (Fiend-Type/Dark/4 Stars/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) in Attack or Defense Position on your side of the field.
Three traps with powerful effects if used correctly. But each of these cards have something in common, something that sets them apart from other trap cards. They can activate the turn they are placed.Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button
Group: Trap Card
Type: Trap
Inflict 1000 points of damage to the Life Points of the player who destroyed this Set card.
You see, each of these traps doesn't need to be set for a turn for the effect work as the effect activates from the graveyard, not on the field and they cannot be negated by Jinzo because once they are in the graveyard they are free from Jinzo's continous negating effect. There is also another benefit, you can destroy these traps your self if you choose to, although be careful of Kozaky's Self Destruct Device, don't think you want to be inflicting 1000 points of damage to yourself. All three of the cards can fall victim to Nobleman of Extermination since the cards are removed from play their effects cannot activate.
On the plus side, these traps are very worthy of consideration for a deck being built. A lot of players I come across normally set Mystical Space Typhoon and try to activate it on the turn you set a Spell/Trap. They will certainly regret doing that when they find out they have destroyed one of the above 3 and to boot have wasted a valuable card as well. Consider these for your decks in the current metagame, you never know how useful they can be.