Triangle Ecstacy Spark

chaos general

New Member
chaosruler said:
It's my understanding that Triangle Ecstasy Spark creates a "locked" ATK value, and newly applied modifiers (like summoning another Harpie Lady 1) apply to that. Previously applied modifiers do not re-increase the ATK value. This is my understanding, and I could easily be wrong.

I am also not 100% sure, but I am still fairly certain, that what chaosruler said is correct.
Digital Jedi said:
The previous ruling stated it would become 2700 even if Rising Air Current where on the field. And any modifier added on after Triangle Ecstasy Spark resolved would add onto the 2700. I noticed that this has been taken down however. Future rulings may redifne its function.

Hmm... So use Compulsury Evac. Device to return Harpie Lady to your hand... Activate Spark... Summon Lady, activate Air Current... Gotcha! ^_^

I pray to God that they change that ruling... But they wont.... Sad day.