Tribute, Offer, Send, etc.


Dimension Shift Ninja
Mystik Wok
Offer one monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select the ATK or DEF of the Tributed monster, and increase your Life Point by the same amount.

This effect when activated, is the tributed monster is the cost to activate this card. Meaning if Player2 chained Magic Jammer, Player1 would lose 1 monster for a wasted effort.

What about Ritual Spell cards?

Contract with the Dark Master
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Dark Master - Zorc". You must also offer whose total Level Stars equal to 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.

I was told you offer monsters when the Ritual Spell card "resolves", so being negated by Magic Jammer, you don't tribute any.

Here's text thats similar...

Mass Driver
Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute to inflict 400 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Yet you tribute the moment you apply this card's effect...

Seems hard for me to determine what effects that Tributes monsters as a cost or when it resolves...
Rituals are just odd.
In general, Tribute refers strictly to a specific cost of taking a monster on the field and sending it to the Graveyard (note that it doesn't need to actually hit the Graveyard if Banisher of the Light, etc. are on the field). Also note that not all instances of sending a monster from the field to the Graveyard is a Tribute.

My assumption is that Rituals were designed to allow the Tributes late to give the opponent a chance to 'disrupt' the ritual by removing enough monsters to make it 'fail'. Additionally, however, the use of the word Tribute for Ritual summons also makes it subject to some effects, such as Mask of Restrict or Super Rejuvenation.

General rule of thumb though: Tribute is a cost, unless it is for a Ritual (or Ectoplasmer).
Hey, most of us learn something new here every day. Which is why judging is such a team sport! I can't remember a tournament ever in my three years of judging where one judge knew all the answers. This isn't an easy game to grasp rulings on. When I talk to judges from other games they just cringe at the thought of having to sort out the rulings for this game.
i think

i think that the first one actvated would take effect first then the second one and if a monster is destroyed wile in defece or does something when it postion is changed than i think it takes place when ever it is changed to that postion

sorry wrong post i would delete this if i new how
This game is simply fun.

Maybe someday, we'll all get together in some store, library, regional, conventions, press conferences, or even at home and duel to determine who is the King of Duelists, Yu-Gi-Oh!!! LoL
The actual term "Tribute" is just a keyword (mechanic).

Effects can Trigger off of a Tribute, or be paid for by a Tribute, or simply use it as part of the effect.

As far as when its used as cost, you have the template right there:

"Offer 1(or more) monster(s) on your side of the field as a Tribute(Cost), to do [this_effect]"

Usually when it the first line of text, it indicates that it is a cost.