Triztan Brings You Swedish Sands!


New Member
Tribute Monsters:
Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys.

Non Tribute Monsters:

Golem Sentry
Golem Sentry
Bazoo the Souleater
Bazoo the Souleater
Exiled Force
Exiled Force
Magician of Faith
Hand of Nepthys
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Assailant
Spirit Reaper
Giant Rat
D.D. Warrior Lady
Nimble Momonga.
Nimble Momonga.
Nimble Momonga.
Amazoness Swords Woman.

Rush Recklessly
Book of Moon
Swords of Revealing Light
Nobleman of Crossout
Dimension Fusion
Graceful Charity
Creature Swap
Giant Trunade
Smashing Ground
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Premature Burial
Monster Reincarnation.

Dust Tornado
Sakuretsu Armor
Torrential Tribute
Royal Decree.


I'm considering replacing a saku with Mirror Force when / If I get one. I also want to incorporate three Nimble Momongas if possible, though I'm rather unsure on what to replace them with.

I use Dimension Fusion rather then return, not only because of the popularity of Jinzo and Royal Decree in Swedish meta, but also due to the fact that I'm the only one in my region whom plays any form of remove, due to the ban list finally eradicating the chaos threat.

I'd love some tips and hints...Be kind to me. This is the first deck I've done well with since my Gravekeepers one a while back. ^^;;

The theory is to keep controlling the field with Golem Sentry, thus forcing my opponet to go offensive sooner or later, making him an ideal target for Bazoo and the like.

And after Bazoo is fuelled... well, you get the idea I'm sure. Basic control-beatdown I suppose. ^^;;


Removed one Golem Sentry.
Mataza the Zapper.
Removed Neo Spacian - Dark Panther.
Removed Pitch-Black Warwolf.
Nobleman of Extermination.
Removed Sakuretsu Armor.
Removed Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane.

Added Scapegoat.
Added Monster Reincarnation.
Added Royal Decree.
Added Nimble Momonga.
Added Nimble Momonga.
Added Nimble Momonga.
Added Amazoness Swords Woman.
Du kanske borde aktivera "parse yu-gi-oh card links" för lättare läsning och för att kunna se vad varje kort gör ;)

You maybe should activate "parse yu-gi-oh card links" for easier reading. and to see what every card does ;)

Oh! And maybe you should add royal decree, couse u don´t drive with much traps... Out with a Sakuretsu 4 it!
Maybe out with another saku 4 a enemy controller...

You could make it an "like no traps, DUDE!" kinda deck...

Lycka till!!
I'm thinking of a different route than what Mathmech was thinking ( T_T sorry Mathmech)

-1 Pitch Black Wearwolf
good card, but i want to focus on destroying traps

-1 Neo Spacian Dark Panther
good card but just not needed

-1 Mataza the zapper
Maybe Side deck material, but just doesnt fit into this deck

-1 Nobleman of extermination
If they chain Royal Decree, this card gets no effect. And if that's what you're scared of, this card is not the answer.

-1 Giant Trunade
Not that great when trying to gain advantage and going for a win.

-1 Spiritual Earth Art Kurogane
After removing with bazoo, this can become a dead draw.

-1 swords of revealing light
We want the opponent to lose resources by attacking

+3 Nimble Momonga (You wanted them :D )
+1 Dust Tornado (Help kill those Decrees
+1 Mystic Swordsman Lv2 (searchable, and helps mess with opponents plans)
+1 Last Will (used with exiled is great)

That will make the deck smoother...hopefully.

One thing i dont like about this deck is the Phoenix....If it works great, the deck could be changed to work around it. It it doesnt work that well, we can get rid of it and make more room for the bazoo control.
Mathmech said:
Du kanske borde aktivera "parse yu-gi-oh card links" för lättare läsning och för att kunna se vad varje kort gör ;)

You maybe should activate "parse yu-gi-oh card links" for easier reading. and to see what every card does ;)

Oh! And maybe you should add royal decree, couse u don´t drive with much traps... Out with a Sakuretsu 4 it!
Maybe out with another saku 4 a enemy controller...

You could make it an "like no traps, DUDE!" kinda deck...

Lycka till!!

Tjabba, och tack. ^^;;
theallmightypoe said:
I'm thinking of a different route than what Mathmech was thinking ( T_T sorry Mathmech)

-1 Pitch Black Wearwolf
good card, but i want to focus on destroying traps

-1 Neo Spacian Dark Panther
good card but just not needed

-1 Mataza the zapper
Maybe Side deck material, but just doesnt fit into this deck

-1 Nobleman of extermination
If they chain Royal Decree, this card gets no effect. And if that's what you're scared of, this card is not the answer.

-1 Giant Trunade
Not that great when trying to gain advantage and going for a win.

-1 Spiritual Earth Art Kurogane
After removing with bazoo, this can become a dead draw.

-1 swords of revealing light
We want the opponent to lose resources by attacking

+3 Nimble Momonga (You wanted them :D )
+1 Dust Tornado (Help kill those Decrees
+1 Mystic Swordsman Lv2 (searchable, and helps mess with opponents plans)
+1 Last Will (used with exiled is great)

That will make the deck smoother...hopefully.

One thing i dont like about this deck is the Phoenix....If it works great, the deck could be changed to work around it. It it doesnt work that well, we can get rid of it and make more room for the bazoo control.

I'm not afraid of Royal Decree. It's rather much noticed on the low amount of traps I'm playing. Rather, there are many decks which DO rely on Royal Decree, and the Nobleman if rather a way to get rid of them, and sakuretsu's.

By playing only one Sakuretsu, as suggested, I think there is even more reason to play Noblemen, seeing as most Swedish Meta has ATLEAST 2 Sakuretsu's in their decks. But oh well. Note taken. ^^

-1 Pitch Black Wearwolf
good card, but i want to focus on destroying traps

-1 Neo Spacian Dark Panther
good card but just not needed

-1 Mataza the zapper
Maybe Side deck material, but just doesnt fit into this deck

I'll trade all theese for Nimble Momongas then? =3

The only thing I disagree with is the removal of Giant Trunade. I'd be happy if you could elaborate your opinions about them a little =3.
Now I know that Return can eat the monsters in the grave quickly, but not having a Call of the Haunted seems odd...
As for the Dimension Fusion, I am still in favor of Return. I like Return's ability to be used as a protective shield, and if you are under the 2000lps you can still use it. Plus, if you run into a mirror they don't get monsters.

BTW, it's always nice to know the Meta in other parts of the world.
Triztan said:
I'm not afraid of Royal Decree. It's rather much noticed on the low amount of traps I'm playing. Rather, there are many decks which DO rely on Royal Decree, and the Nobleman if rather a way to get rid of them, and sakuretsu's.

By playing only one Sakuretsu, as suggested, I think there is even more reason to play Noblemen, seeing as most Swedish Meta has ATLEAST 2 Sakuretsu's in their decks. But oh well. Note taken. ^^

-1 Pitch Black Wearwolf
good card, but i want to focus on destroying traps

-1 Neo Spacian Dark Panther
good card but just not needed

-1 Mataza the zapper
Maybe Side deck material, but just doesnt fit into this deck

I'll trade all theese for Nimble Momongas then? =3

The only thing I disagree with is the removal of Giant Trunade. I'd be happy if you could elaborate your opinions about them a little =3.

Those three for nimbles would work.

As for what i meant for trunade:

Well.....I'm not a fan of giant trunade because it doesnt produce advantage and in most cases isn't worth it being played.
For example, you giant trunade, sending 2 s/t back to your opponents hand, you now summon a monster and attack directly. Next turn they set them down again and you lost one card in order to do very little damage. Of course, if you attacked with spirit reaper or a don zaloog, you will be pulling of an even trade (your trunade, for one card in their hand) however, if they had bluffs face down, or your attack just didn't do the damage that is necesarry to pull off the win, you lose a card.

IMO using a mobius (or even a Nobleman of extermination) is better than the trunade since they either deal a even or greater trade off.

Mobius: kills up to two traps (can generate +1 advantage)
Extermination: removes one s/t from field (no advantage, but no loss)
Giant Trunade: returns s/t to owners hand (-1)

Now, of course I don't only think about advantage, you could always trunade, summon bazoo, and beat them down for the win! But.....that's not realistic. You will probably draw trunade at random times where even the -1 trade off isn't worth it.
You know... i just doesn´t have the energy to write in swedish, so only english ;)

ledsen triztan ;)

Maybe you should add ONE of those return from different dimension, couse you can ALWAYS use it, even if you have like 1 lifepoint (½LP)
And the meaning of this deck is to do a return...
Also, i was thinking maybe inferno tempest + lava golem?
...Maybe not

Anyway, sakuretsu armor is A LOT in the swedish meta, so getting rid of them is always a great idea, couse they can mess you up BADLY.

Also, i dont think MSLV2 is such a great idea, at least not without tsukoyomi (BANNED, cant belive it... :()
Giant trunade should be keeped, as it can remove threats for one turn, and thats GOOD!

Maybe a Scapegoat? You know, 2-3 turns with protection is always good, plus, its a spell, so you dont have to worrý about jinzo/decree (take it out for Koroagne)

Thats it i think...

Tribute Monsters:
Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys

Non Tribute Monsters:
Golem Sentry
Golem Sentry
Golem Sentry
Bazoo the Souleater
Bazoo the Souleater
Exiled Force
Exiled Force
Magician of Faith
Hand of Nepthys
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Assailant
Mataza the Zapper [Out for Nimble momonga]
Spirit Reaper
Giant Rat
D.D. Warrior Lady
Pitch-Black Warwolf
[Out for Nimble momonga]
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther [Out for Nimble momonga]

Rush Recklessly
Book of Moon
Swords of Revealing Light
Nobleman of Extermination
Nobleman of Crossout
Dimension Fusion
Graceful Charity
Creature Swap
Giant Trunade
Smashing Ground
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Premature Burial

Dust Tornado
Sakuretsu Armor
Sakuretsu Armor [out for royal decree or something]
Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane [Out for Scapegoat]
Torrential Tribute
Math, are you a member of DL? ^^

@Atr - Cheers. I try to keep traps to a minium, and I've realized I very seldom actually get to use CoTH... ^^;;

@Allmighty:But don't you agree that the usage of Giant Trunade in a situation where I have, for an example, Nobleman Of Crossout and Injection fairy lily on the hands would prove beneficial?

In Swedish Meta, life points seem to be very important, after the banning of chaos. We spend it on Solemn Judgements, Lilie's and Returns. I will be spending it on Lily, Dimension Fusion and return myself! Nimble Momongas will aid me in keeping life points... But such is not the case for my opponet, since Nimble Momonga isn't very widely played (Warrior toolbox, Burn and Chimeratech OTK seems to be popular, rather.).

In Swedish meta, I think clearing the field for that one time clear shot, can be an "I win" situation... Am I wrong? ^^;;
Triztan said:
Math, are you a member of DL? ^^

@Atr - Cheers. I try to keep traps to a minium, and I've realized I very seldom actually get to use CoTH... ^^;;

@Allmighty:But don't you agree that the usage of Giant Trunade in a situation where I have, for an example, Nobleman Of Crossout and Injection fairy lily on the hands would prove beneficial?

In Swedish Meta, life points seem to be very important, after the banning of chaos. We spend it on Solemn Judgements, Lilie's and Returns. I will be spending it on Lily, Dimension Fusion and return myself! Nimble Momongas will aid me in keeping life points... But such is not the case for my opponet, since Nimble Momonga isn't very widely played (Warrior toolbox, Burn and Chimeratech OTK seems to be popular, rather.).

In Swedish meta, I think clearing the field for that one time clear shot, can be an "I win" situation... Am I wrong? ^^;;

Your argument makes sense, never works the way you want it to, for instance, I run Barrel Behind the Door in my deck. That card is awesome when you pull it off when you or your opponent use ring of destruction. But....besides that, it's just a dead draw.
Same thing with Trunade. If you have it with the injection and the crossout, great! will probably have them all at different times, so you should make sure that even in much different situations, that trunade could be used to benefit you.

i didn't even notice that there wasnt a scapegoat....I think you should put one in too!
Triztan said:
Math, are you a member of DL? ^^

Nah, i live in "Skellefteå", i play in "Umeå".

I only go down to "Stockholm" if there is something big like "SM".
You know the one that came in second place?
Nils Hjalmarsson?
He is my friend :)

Anyway, scapegoat might work.

I would use Swarm of Scarabs, or swarm of locusts?
The one that destroys monster...
maybe the other one too...

Maybe Solemn rain or whatever... You know that one that gives you 500 LP each time you draw a card.

@Dray: Tjena ^_^.

@Math: Yes, I know Nils. We ended up playing the same sort of deck at the Swedish Championships. ^_^