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Monster control question. 2006-04-27 11:37:00 <Simon Key>

Here's the scenario..

P1 has a face-up monster on the field, a "Brain Control" and "Heavy Storm" in hand.
P2 has "Snatch Steal" in hand.
It's P2s turn.
P2 plays "Snatch Steal" to take that monster.
P1 does not respond.
P2 does not respond.
P2 now has control of the monster.
P2 ends turn.
P1 Draws and gains 1000 LPs.
P1, not thinking correctly, plays "Brain Control" to take his monster back (paying the 800 LPs).
Neither player respond.
P1 now has control of the monster.
P1 then plays "Heavy Storm" to destroy the "Snatch Steal".

During the End Phase, what happens to the monster?



During the End Phase it is returned to the opponent's side of the field because of "Brain Control".

If you want it back you'll have to activate "Remove Brainwashing".

Dan Scheidegger
Jr. Game Designer
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D
Upper Deck Entertainment


re: Monster control question. 2006-04-27 12:32:00 <Hartmut Gl�cker>


well - short question: Why doesn't P1 re-gain control of the monster after it switched to P2's side of the field through the effect of Brain Control? Since Snatch Steal and its controlling effect are gone, there should not be any reason for the monster to stay on P2's side of the field.




Short Answer:

I screwed up.

It DOES return/stay with its owner (P1).

See, here's the problem. I captured so many souls with The Seal of Orichalcos last summer, and my cube here at the office is pretty small.
That means I have ALLL these souls chattering away and begging for freedom.
Sometimes they even speak lies into my ears and I end up typing them.

But then I turned on the Orichalcos theme music and they are back under control.

Sorry about the Confusion.

Dan Scheidegger
Servant of the Orichalcos
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D
Upper Deck Entertainment

It's kind of refreshing to see an admission such as this on the Judge List. Should we frame it?? :haveaday_

I just wish I could get them to fix my access to the site, so I can get messages again, as fast as they respond to new questions....
Dan has always been a stand-up honest kinda guy, at least in my dealings with him. It is nice to see a public retraction of bad information so quickly and without any politics involved.

Framing it would be insulting to Dan. If it came from certain other individual(s), I would have already been to Michael's and Staples getting a wall-size poster made up.
Hey, Dan's got my respect from that alone!! I'm just saying that I know he will be more careful in my opinion, and we may never get anything like this from anyone else in the future....

Just more "shady" under the table retractions.
Now i have not been a judge too long and have never been able to recieve stuff from the judges list and dont check too often and probably missed curtis giving out to skey...... What happened?
This is exactly the kind of refreshing somewhat self-deprecating response that makes Dan the example of what should be on the Judge's List (if it could just be him and Steve things would drastically improve). I would actually throw away my Kevin & Curtis dart board if either of them would ever own up to a mistake in such a mature fashion.
Yeah, I think woo0 means "frame it" in the sense that, if things hold true to form, even Dan may be sensored from admiting his mistakes again. I've always felt it was more of a policy that prevented people form publicly denoteing when an error is made, then everyon just being a jerk for no reason.
I vaguely remember it. I dont think it was necessarily being "told off" more than it was, "Your question is beneath me, and I really dont feel like giving it a response, but here it is anyway..." type of answer.

It was pretty recent, as in, around Jan-Feb time frame, I think...

EDIT: Whoa... I was WAY OFF!! More like, October!

Anti-Spell Fragrance and Quick-Play Spell Cards 2005-10-28 11:55:00 <Simon Key>

"As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both players must first set Spell Cards when they use them and cannot activate them until their next turn."

The part about not being able to activate them until that player's next turn is what got me.

Does this mean that if I set an "Enemy Controller" or "Mystical Space Typhoon", while "Anti-Spell Fragrance" is active of course, that I can't use it during my opponent's turn? I HAVE to wait until my next turn before I can activate them?

Thanks in advance!



ALL Spell Cards are affected by "Anti-Spell Fragrance." This includes Quick-Play Spell Cards.

If you want to activate your Quick-Play Spell Cards while "Anti-Spell Fragrance" is active, you will need to Set your Quick-Play Spell Card during your turn, and then during your NEXT turn you will be able to activate it.

Curtis Schultz
Official UDE Netrepâ„¢

RE: Anti-Spell Fragrance and Quick-Play Spell Cards 2005-10-28 14:00:00 <Pascal Bock>

well, I think what you did here is just repeat what the card says, but if the text wasn't understood, your explanation isn't either^^

so, CAN I, yes or no, use my quick spells during the following opponent's turn?




You Set a Quick-Play Spell Card during your turn. You cannot activate that Quick-Play Spell Card until your next turn, so don't even think about activating it in your opponent's turn, because "Anti-Spell Fragrance" won't let you.

While "Anti-Spell Fragrance" is active:
I Set an "Enemy Controller" during my turn. During my opponent's following turn, they attack with "Berserk Gorilla."
I'd really like to use "Enemy Controller" on it, but I cannot, because "Anti-Spell Fragrance" will not allow it. I will just have to accept the damage for now and wait until my next turn to finally activate the "Enemy Controller."

Curtis Schultz
Official UDE Netrepâ„¢
Digital Jedi said:
Yeah, I think woo0 means "frame it" in the sense that, if things hold true to form, even Dan may be sensored from admiting his mistakes again. I've always felt it was more of a policy that prevented people form publicly denoteing when an error is made, then everyon just being a jerk for no reason.

Personally, when I read it, I had two simultanious thoughts. One was "Woah! He admitted an error, and humorously. That raises their crediblity" The second was, "Woah, he made an error. There goes their credibility." It was a wierd sensation. Like finding out that the Stork really didn't bring you, followed by how you actually did get here.

I think they do need to keep the impression that they are error proof. I mean look how hard they get razzed here anyway (I've done it myself). And yet we know that we can't make much of a move until we get the "official word" from the Judges List. It's better than waiting for Kanomi, anyway.
DarkLogicianOfCaos said:
Personally, when I read it, I had two simultanious thoughts. One was "Woah! He admitted an error, and humorously. That raises their crediblity" The second was, "Woah, he made an error. There goes their credibility." It was a wierd sensation. Like finding out that the Stork really didn't bring you, followed by how you actually did get here.

I think they do need to keep the impression that they are error proof. I mean look how hard they get razzed here anyway (I've done it myself). And yet we know that we can't make much of a move until we get the "official word" from the Judges List. It's better than waiting for Kanomi, anyway.

If they were error proof I would agree with you. The reason they get razzed so much here is because of the volumes of bad rulings that get "stealth corrections" and then UDE acts like they knew the correct ruling all along and why are people confused. It is fine to admit you are wrong when you are wrong. Nobody thinks less of you if you just own up to it and give the correct information when you realize your mistake. It is the subterfuge and deception that raises criticism. We all understand that sometimes information gets misinterpreted in the lovely disfunctional way that rulings get to us. But it would be much appreciated if those that are the source of erroneous information would do their best to point out the bad information and correct themselves publicly. It would lead to less confusion and better disemination of rulings.
The problem with putting on an air of infallibility is that you will never be able to maintain it. When mistakes enevitably do get made, you'll loose more credibility then you would if you acknowledge that your not perfect. The Judges List had a reputation for putting on the show that no mistakes where ever made, and look how little respect it got when it did post something erroneous and then try to seruptitiously cover it up.

As an organization, one can never act as if they are incapable of error, because we know well and good that that is impossible. When you make a mistake correct it. Your credibility is diminished when you act like your infallible.
Digital Jedi said:
When you make a mistake correct it. Your credibility is diminished when you act like your infallible.

Unless of course you really are perfect. Like me!

:eek:rcstupid :eek:rclaught :eek:rcblacke

LOL LOL LOL HARDY HAR HAR and all that Jazz.
Of course, you're right (not you djp). It's just that when you're in search of knowledge and answers, you tend to want things to be correct. It is harder to take when they turn out wrong because you don't have the expertise and knowlege base to see it coming. Then you have to wonder what else is wrong. You lot have been at it a while (Grey stars/Red stars), you can tell when something is iffy. Me, I usually think everything is iffy; But in this game, I still rely heavily on others.
DarkLogicianOfCaos said:
Of course, you're right (not you djp). It's just that when you're in search of knowledge and answers, you tend to want things to be correct. It is harder to take when they turn out wrong because you don't have the expertise and knowlege base to see it coming. Then you have to wonder what else is wrong. You lot have been at it a while (Grey stars/Red stars), you can tell when something is iffy. Me, I usually think everything is iffy; But in this game, I still rely heavily on others.
Of course, you want things to be always be correct. But realistically, that isn't going to happen 100% of the time. No organization is incapable of mistakes. How much more reliable is an organization that admits to its mistakes and corrects them publicly, then an organization that covers up their mistakes and acts like they never happened? You see, you only get a choice of one of those two types of organizations or something in between. The organization that makes no mistakes, doesn't exist.
Although, can you imagine the chaos if our governments suddenly took up that policy? It is sometimes better to assume that your organization is mucking it up, than to know it first hand. Major koodoes to Dan!!