UDE Sues Konami Over Breach of Contract

In an apparent "screw the rules, I want your money" moment, Upper Deck Entertainment has filed a lawsuit against Konami Marketing, Inc. and Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc for the precise sum of $75,001,000.00 for Breach of Contract.

No stranger to being the defendant, UDE is now the plaintiff in a lawsuit whose details are as of yet unreported. But one should take note that the suit was filed exactly one day prior to KDE's official press release announcing they were taking complete administrative and operational control over the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG from UDE.
Theres word that Konami actually already settled this out of court. It shouldny really surprise anyone anyway. With the recession going on everyone needs as much money as possible and thats what prompted konamis decision to take over and thats why UDE wanna get the money they woulda made and make up for advertising and production and marketing costs.
Even though that's most likely the reason, I'd still like to hear what the official reason is. I want to see where this breach of conduct comes in, and why the strange amount of money.