ultimate offering and gadgets!!!


New Member
Hello everyone!...I searched before posting but didn't find what i was looking for...

Can I use ultimate offering more than once in my turn and fill my field with gadgets??? also i will get my hands full of gadgets in the process right?

Thanks for the help!
Yes, I'm surprised you didn't find this one in a search. You can use the effect as many times as you can afford to pay for it. And it works just fine with Gadgets. One of a few reasons the card was limited to one.
You know, you won't "get your hand full of Gadgets", because you're putting them on the field. You'll get a field full of Gadgets, and at least 1 in your hand (if the last Gadget you Summoned was able to pull another, of course).

Assuming you started holding 1 Gadget monster, you'll only ever have 1 Gadget monster in your hand.
