Um...samall Question?

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New Member
Hey everyone.

Now don't splificate me but, Does anyone know the Rulings for the Egyptian God Cards?

Cause I have had little kids at tournaments come up and ask if I know the rulings for the Egyptian God Cards cause they say this..."My friend uses Ra ability to move all his life points too Ra's Attack points and is that aloud in the official game just not the show?" and in my normal way I said "I don't know the rulings just use the show rules". It really ticks me off when I have too use the rules from the show cause that is what everyone knows.

So what am I asking is there any official rules set up by the big guys in there suits sitting in there 100 story buildings in there nice comfy chair sipping coffee?

Thanks, Zarken

God Cards cannot be used in any kind of tournament...they are not tournament legal. Even if youuse them for casual play, they have no effects....the only one you could probably play is obelisk, since he actually has some attack points
So that means we have to use the rulings from the show.


My friend is going too have so much fun now.
But I won't.

But hey at least I have fun using Obilesk.

Anyway thanks you guys seeya
SilentSwordsmaster said:
As far as I knew, the god cards have no rulings as they are not playable in the TCG and are merely collecters items
100% Correct.

The God Cards have no effect and are unplayable in any format other than Casual Play.

I was e-mailed the official rulings from Konami. I wont post them, but I will PM them to anyone that PMs me for them.

I will need time to re-type them.
I went too Gilford's Place yesterday and he wasn't there and I was wondering has anyone seen him online? Cause it has been well over 3 weeks now since i went too his place and he has been online.
Zarken said:
I went too Gilford's Place yesterday and he wasn't there and I was wondering has anyone seen him online? Cause it has been well over 3 weeks now since i went too his place and he has been online.
Maybe it was just me, but I thought it was highly transparent from the

"This guy is so untrustworthy, but I'm not like that! You can safely trade the same cards with me..."

quote, unquote.

No Oscar for the performance, but he did earn a nomination for "Most likely to think someone was fooled" Award. :duel_no_j
Truth be told, it was obvious to everyone from the start. But when Alki and I complained to that mods, they claimed they would "address" the situation. Well, the ones who were willing to talk to us did. Digital Jedi told me to stop making comments about it on the basis that it was "harrassment".

But here's where I start to lose my restraint. He's bordering on harrassing US by continuing to act as though he fooled us in some way.


Mods, consider this a form of petition. A petition with the signatures of skey23, BenjaminMS, myself, masterwoo0, Occasus_Tenshi, slither, and Jathro. The only person polled who chose not to sign was Anthonyj. So a significant majority feel this should stop. Really.
masterwoo0 said:
I think its more a case of "Insulting our intelligence".
A quote from OT always does the trick. >_<

But yes, same thing. Insulting our intelligience, and harrassing us by continuing to rub it in LONG after it's become obvious we know what's going on.
Maybe we haven't seen Gilfer online since we've been seeing you online. You leave, he joins. He leaves, you come back. I don't know about you, but I can guess what's going to happen next.

On topic, Casual Play only. Use them like the show if you really want.
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