untitled evil hero deck


New Member
with the release of super polymerization and a second evil hero malicious fusion, i figured i'd give it a go:

Monsters 20:
trib 5:
2x d-hero dasher
3x evil-hero malicious edge (EARTH/fiend)

non-trib 15:
1x e-hero stratos
3x evil hero infernal gainer (EARTH/fiend)
2x evil hero infernal prodigy (DARK/fiend)
3x fossil tusker (EARTH/rock)
2x gigantes (EARTH/rock)
1x morphing jar (EARTH/rock)
1x treeborn frog
2x versago the destroyer (DARK/fiend)

Spells 15:
1x brain control
2x dark calling
2x dark fusion
1x de-fusion
1x dimension fusion
1x enemy controller
1x h. storm
1x MST
1x premature
2x super polymerization
1x swords of revealing light

Traps 5:
1x call of the haunted
2x DNA surgery
1x dust tornado
1x torrential tribute

Fusion 6:
3x evil-hero dark gaia (needs: 1 fiend + 1 rock)
3x evil-hero malicious fiend (needs: 1 malicious edge + 1 lv6+ fiend)

i realize this is a very offensive deck with most of the assets committed to fusioning
so i feel a lack of balance. my biggest concern is not having the proper cards for fusioning

rates/fixes, suggestions, donation, hate: most of it is welcome.
How does super polymerization help? I don't think you can actually use it to summon the evil hero fusions.
Although I would suggest adding some Hex-Sealed Fusions (I don't think ATTRIBUTE matters.) Rock-Type, and a stand in fusion material for Malicious Edge perhaps.
i'd only use super poly with dna surgery.
in a lot of cases, i'll be fusing cards in my hand, or in the off chance i get dark calling, from my grave.
should i get a versago or a malicious with dna on field and super poly in hand, i can take opp's monster and attack direct.

also, i considered using the hexes. but 3 main points

  • A. the evil hero fusions can only be SS via dark fusion
  • B. they also need specific types: dark gaia : rock + fiend/malicious fiend: malicious edge + fiend
  • 3. each hex is rock: true. but they are earth, light and dark. gaia is earth and malicious fiend is fire (yeah, wth). so if possible, i'd only be able to use hex earth for gaia. and gaia's effect says that his ATK is the sum of the fusion materials. i'd much rather use tusker's 1800, gigantes 1900 over earth hex's 1000. but this is all moot since the fusions can only be SS via dark fusion.
then there's the additional drawback of hex only being able to fuse materials that are on the field.
actually, sorry about that.
you're right.

super poly + dna is worthless in this setup.
for the same exact reason that i can't use the hex (they're fusion-nomi's).

so that puts me down 4 cards:
-2x super poly
-2x dna surgery

but that does give me room to add searching material

+1 rota (for stratos)
+1 foolish (for dasher/treeborn/missing fusion material for dark calling)
+1 dark calling
+1 dark fusion

any other suggestions for additions?