Using The Same Card in a Chain(Limiter Removal)


New Member
I was told by a friend recently (Like a few months ago) that I can't use the same card in a chain, or at least chaining to itself.

I have NEVER run into this problem in real life or online but several times now I have used my machine deck and have had 2 or more limiter removals.

Example of a duel earlier.

Drillago was on my side and he attack with Vampire Lord, would I be able to ues Limiter, Then wait for his chain, then use another limiter?

Or how would that work. I am not sure if I can use two limiter removals in a row....or if I can use the same card in a chain.

Also I was wondering if I was right on this ruling.


Cannon is on the field and attack a Solar Flare Dragon, now my oppoent has Messanger of Peace on the field. I attack his Solar Flare Dragon, would I not be able to in the damage step use Limiter Removal to boost my Cannon Soilder to 2800?

Sorry for probably asking dumb questions. >.<
1) Ther's nothing stopping you from chaining 2 "Limiter Remover" cards in the same chain. In fact especially with Machine decks, it's a common strategy (I attack with "Jinzo" over your "D.D. Warrior Lady". During Damage Calculation, activate "Limiter Remover"... and oh you can't chain to that? then I will... chain a 2nd "Limiter Remover"... net damage 8100 :evil:)

2) "Messenger of Peace" only prevents you from declaring an attack with a monster whose ATK is 1500 or greater. It doesn't stop attacks from monsters who later exceed that (see: "Injection Fairy Lily").

- A
Actually, I believe that it would stop the attack if the monster reaches more than 1500 atk prior to the Damage Step. However, once you are in the Damage Step, it is too late for a replay to occur (the reason why "Injection Fairy Lilly" and "Limiter Removal" work the way they do).